IKAPEN UNY Preserves Musical Arts

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Anyone can participate in the preservation of musical art. This spirit emerged from the initiation of the Retired Association (IKAPEN) UNY Karawitan Art Group by Drs. Wien Pudji PDP., M.Pd., a former lecturer from the Department of Dance Education, Faculty of Language and Arts UNY. Currently, the IKAPEN Karawitan Group already has 25 members.

The group is supported by the availability of a gamelan set belonging to UNY. In addition, members of the association regularly learn to beat: slenthem, bonang barung, bonang penerus, kethuk, kenong, kempul, siyem and gong, demung 1-2, saron 1-2-3-4, saron peking, kendhang, gender barung, gender penerus, fiddle, zither, flute, and also wiraswara.

Most of the members of the UNY IKAPEN musical group are still at the beginner level. For this reason, group members received training from Drs. Wien Pudji PDP., M.Pd., and Daljuri for the motoric aspect, in the form of the ability to play a musical instrument, for example, the technique of hitting an instrument, playing balungan, and the agility of right and left hand movements. The training has been taking place from January 12 to May 2022.

"The art of karawitan as an expression of the human soul born through slendro or pelog tunes. The tunes is arranged rhythmically and harmoniously. By doing so, we will enjoy a great performance of vocals and instruments that please the audience," said Dr. Sardiman AM, M.Pd., Head of IKAPEN UNY. 

hart, Tj. Lak