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Corruption is an act carried out by public officials, where they abuse the public trust authorized to them to gain personal advantage. Meanwhile, according to Law 31/1999 in conjunction with Law 20/2001, corruption is any person who intentionally, against the law, commits an act to enrich himself or another person or a corporation that results in loss of state finances or the country's economy. The direct impacts of corruption may cause expensive health and education costs, increasing poverty and crime rates, and slower economic growth. Not to mention the problem of unemployment, foreign debt, natural destruction, and massive poverty. The Inspector of Central Java Province Hendri Santosa, SE, M.Si, Ak, CA, CFrA, CRP, CGCAE.QRGP, ACPA recently stated these problems in an Anti-Corruption Seminar for Students of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Hendri Santosa explained forms of corruption such as bribes, gratuities, embezzlement in office, fraudulent acts, and conflicts of interest that can harm state finances. "The reasons are greed, opportunity, economic pressure, and wanting to show off," said Hendri Santosa. We need integrity,  honesty, consistency, and the courage to take the right action without compromise. Integrity plays an essential role for the younger generation to realize the nation's morals and create anti-corruption leaders with nine fundamental values: honesty, caring, independence, disciplined, responsible, hard work, simplicity, brave, and fairness. Hendri Santosa invited the seminar participants to become an anti-corruption generation.

UNY lecturer Anang Priyanto, M.Hum explained that the danger of corruption for the younger generation affects the sense of social justice and social equality and causes sharp differences between social groups and individuals in terms of income, prestige, power, and others. "Corruption also endangers society's moral and intellectual standards, which creates a climate of greed," said Anang Priyanto. Furthermore, he explained that corruption would affect children with antisocial personalities in a society where corruption has become a daily experience. Such conditions will make the younger generation perceive corruption as a regular thing or even a culture. As a result, their personal development becomes accustomed to being dishonest and irresponsible. If so, the future of the nation will be bleak. Therefore, Anang Priyanto emphasized the need to build and develop integrity values, namely anti-corruption values ​​for the younger generation.

The activity 'Forming the Integrity of Millennial Students Towards a Golden Generation of Anti-Corruption' was held by the Accounting Student Association of the Faculty of Economics of UNY and was attended by new students of accounting study programs online. The chairman of the seminar committee, Nur Vita Lestari, said that the purpose of this seminar was to build and nurture anti-corruption personalities in students and build their enthusiasm and competence as agents of change for a clean society and state free from the threat of corruption. "We want to provide an explanation and understanding for students to build an anti-corruption culture by providing knowledge about corruption, how to eradicate it as well as instilling anti-corruption values," she said.

Rr. Indah Mustikawati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA conveyed that efforts to form student integrity into a golden generation without corruption can be through family, environment, and education. "Preparation of a curriculum that takes into account the formation of positive behavior and noble character is expected to be the answer to the character crisis that is currently happening," said Indah Mustikawati. Hopefully,  the future generations will be able to compete healthily, including a critical attitude towards anti-corruption in the future. The FE UNY lecturer also said that the role of students in corruption prevention efforts is through creating a campus environment free from corruption, fostering an anti-corruption culture, and encouraging public participation in the anti-corruption movement. 

Dedy, Tj.Lak