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Student and Alumni Affairs of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a webinar with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The webinar had the theme "Developing a clean and integrated Next Generation of a Nation " on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. This webinar has Dr. Albertina Ho Rusmana, S.H, M.H., the KPK supervisory board, as the main speaker.

The event, which was held online, was attended by approximately 225 students and attended offline by the head of the Student Organization and the leader of the Student Activity Unit located in the UNY digital library.

Albertina Ho reminded the importance of providing education on corruption from an early age and told students not to be afraid to report if they found out about acts of corruption from their home environment accompanied by strong evidence.

"Anyone from the public who reports acts of corruption will be legally protected, and their identity must be kept anonymously." Albertina explained.

Albertina said that  with education as early as possible about anti-corruption, hopefully that in the future the younger generation will have the mentality. It is expected that you are  always feel grateful for what you already have. So that you are not 'surprised' when you become an official because you already have a strong anti-corruption mentality."

"In this day and age, corruptors have more sophisticated and systemized methods, so it needs a massive movement from all elements of society to jointly prevent and eradicate corruption in our homeland." said Nirmala Adhi Yoga as an expert staff for Student and Alumni Affairs. (Khairani Faizah, Tj.Lak)