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Limited free open space at home has made people need to think creatively. Such idea has made 7 students from UNY G002 KKN namely Rafid Zuhdi Nugroho (Mechatronics Education), Ridwan Nur Prasetyo (Social Sciences Education), Elsanti Devi R (Social Sciences Education), Anita Saraswati (Educational Technology), Rismawati (Javanese Language Education), Sonya Ambar Aji (Biology Education), and Hanis Ristiyana (Indonesian Language and Literature Education) under the guidance of Annisa Fillaeli, M.Sc. to organize training event on Pucunggrowong, Karang Tengah Village, Imogiri, Bantul. The training give the opportunity for the community to learn using limited free space for lele (catfish) cultivation and growing vegetable hydroponically.

Catfish cultivation training in a bucket (Budilember) was held at the residence of Kirmadi, head of Hamlet Pucung Growong on Sunday, September 13, 2019 by inviting the local community and presenting 2 speakers namely Wawan Kurniawan and Maryoto as environmental activists. This activity aims to build competitive human resources through the field of entrepreneurship.

According to the G002 KKN group, training in catfish cultivation in a bucket was held so that the community will be able to use limited free space at home to meet the need for animal protein and vegetables. In larger perspective, it is possible to develop the program to give economical added value for the community.

This activity began with material delivered by 2 speakers relating to the tools and materials needed, techniques and ways of making, maintaining, and harvesting the results, then continued with the practice of making media.

According to Wawan Kurniawan, catfish cultivation in an 80 liter bucket can produce 60-100 catfish in one harvest (2 months). Besides hydroponic plants like water spinach can be picked every 14 days. While the residual water from catfish cultivation can be used as liquid fertilizer.

Maryoto explained that with easy and inexpensive materials we can use the plot of the house for various positive things and provide benefits for us.

This activity received a positive response from residents around Padukuhan Pucung Growong.  Kirmadji as Head of Hamlet revealed that the cultivation of catfish in a bucket is a good idea in the use of the yard so it must be distributed to the wider community. (Ridwan Nur Prasetyo; Tj.Lak)