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The 2019 Energy Saving Car Contest is officially opened. On this occasion, Universitas Negeri Malang had the opportunity to host the event. In 2019, the Garuda Team of UNY included two cars, namely 1 urban gasoline car and 1 urban ethanol car.

The event was started with the re-registration of participants at Grha Rectorate of Universitas Negeri Malang. The two Garuda car teams, both Urban Ethanol and Urban Gasoline became the first team to register in their respective categories. After registering, representatives of the two teams took part in the mandatory technical briefing held in front of the Grha lobby of the Rector of Universitas Negeri Malang. The event then continued with the Opening Ceremony which was attended by the ranks of the rector, the committee and all participants of the 2019 Energy Saving Car Contest coming from 45 universities in Indonesia. At the opening ceremony, miniature trucks were also displayed as a sign that the automotive sector has been around for a long time. In addition, there are also dances and mascots of the Energy Saving Car Contest. The event then continued with a tour circuit and  group photo session. After that, each team took the car to their paddock.

The next session was the Technical Inspection which began at 1:00 p.m.  In this  session, urban gasoline cars get the chance to finish first compared to urban ethanol. However, due to a time calculation error and also the large number of participants participating, the technical inspection and practice time was delayed until 05:30 pm. The limited time resulted in the termination of technical inspection and practice session. It is unfortunate for the urban ethanol team unable to complete the technical inspection while for  the urban gasoline team that had finished earlier also could not practice due to time limit problem. The committee stated that technical inpection will be resumed tomorrow Wednesday (09/24) morning.

"We will carry out a strategy to be able to complete the urban ethanol technical inspection as soon as possible. At the same time, urban gasoline which has not had time to practice, will make the best use of time to practice so that we can get a lot of accurate data for the improvement needs that we will do , "said the chairman of the Garuda UNY car team, Ilham Nofi Yoga. (Frizka Amalia Purnama)