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Technology became the basis of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. Knowledge and technological mastery that is followed by innovation will provide great benefits for the community. This issue becomes urgent in learning Indonesian language and literature in schools, especially junior high schools, considering that junior high school students are part of Generation Z who are very familiar with devices and technology. Proper learning, supported by the use of technology, and the development of strategies and forms of assignment will strengthen the learning of Indonesian Language and Literature in schools. With creative and innovative learning, learning will become more meaningful.

This spirit underlies the implementation of Community Service activities at the UNY Postgraduate Lecturer team, led by Dr. Ari Kusmiatun. Carrying Training on the Development of Creative Enrichment Assignment Model for Middle School Teachers in the Efforts of Learning Meaningful Indonesian Language and Literature, this program was carried out in two meetings, namely on 13 and 20 August 2019, and online guidance during 14to 18 August 2019 .

In her remarks, Principal of Yogyakarta 1 N Middle School, Dra. Y Niken Sasanti, M.Pd. said that the training activities for teachers carried out by university were useful activities for the development of professional competence. This training can also address the concerns of teachers in schools, especially in terms of learning Indonesian language and literature.

"We are very grateful, the training activities carried out at our school. I hope that there will be trainings for other subject teachers, or training activities that can improve teacher competency, for example in the field of research, "said Niken Sasanti. This training activity was attended by 32 Indonesian Language and Literature subject teachers from five regions, namely Bantul Regency (9 people), Sleman Regency (8 people), Gunungkidul Regency (3 people), Kulonprogo Regency (2 people), and Yogyakarta City (10 people). (Else / ant)