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Zahra Noor A’yuna, Diqna (Biology Education), Ratna Hardiyanti Ma’fudhoh (Biology) and Rina Musannadah (Mathematics Education) are not only completed their academic course in their respective study program in UNY, but also  have interesting experience to share (5/8/2019).

Zahra, Diqna and Ratna are UNY students who have completed transfer credit program at Yala Rajabhat University (YRU), Thailand.  Zahra enthusiastically said that learning facilities in YRU, especially the lab equipment were more complete. It is interesting to note that practicum and theory class credit are combined. This is reason why the study time in YRU may take longer than in UNY. "In teaching, lecturer put more presentation than students. The class use both English and Malay. There are also lecturer who has power point in English but the teaching are in Thai,” Zahra added.Apart from the academic activities, Zahra, Diqna and Ratna also got the chance to perform a dance in the field during the sport event in YRU.

Meanwhile, another Yudisium participant, Rina Musannadah (Mathematics Education) shared her experience when attending teaching practice program in Philippines. Rina has been teaching at Benguet State University secondary laboratory school.  During the program, she got the chance to teach math for 7th and 10th grade using English as language of instruction. Her student mostly local resident and few from Pakistan.

"During 30 days there, I only taught effectively for 10 days. This is because of frequent storms. Notification of school holidays due to a storm was announced the day before based on weather forecasts. If there is a storm, any kindergarten to high school are closed. During school holiday, my activity is discussing or exchanging ideas with students in campus, "she continued.

Rina explained that most of teachers in the laboratory school are graduate from Benguet State University. Junior high school in Philippines are set in 4 level, started from 7th to 10th grade. For the Senior High School set only for 2 level, started from 11th to 12th.  Few years ago, it is also possible to go straight to university after graduating from 10th grade. No wonder the age for bachelor degree graduate in Philippine relatively younger than most of Indonesian bachelor graduate.(witono)