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Understanding contract drafting is very important for the management of higher education institution because there will be activities that require agreements with other parties, such as cooperation agreements or procurement of goods and services. The existence of this agreement brings legal consequences for the parties, therefore understanding the contract drafting is necessary as an anticipation of legal issues that may occur. As stated by Iffah Nurhayati in training on legal and contract drafting in the UNY Senate Meeting Room, Tuesday (30/7). Furthermore, the Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of UNY said that in contracts between government agencies including higher education institution and other parties, there is a legal relationship that is not only private but also part of the public law domain because it is limited by many laws and regulations. "For this reason, understanding on the contract material is important," said Iffah. While the elements include essentialia, which is the part that must be in the agreement, naturalia is the part of the agreement which by nature is considered to exist even though it was not specifically agreed by the parties and accidentalia, namely the provisions specifically agreed.

The second speaker, Anang Priyanto in his presentation explained that higher education institutions also need the formulation of decisions, circulars and instructions paper.  According to him, a decree is a policy product from officials of a particular agency. If the agency is a government agency, the decree refer to the State Administration Decree, which is a written stipulation issued by a state administration agency or official. "The decree is characterized by a written stipulation, issued by a state administrative body or official, containing concrete, individual and final state administrative legal actions and resulting in legal consequences for a person or initial legal entity" Anang said. The FIS UNY lecturer said that work unit officials at Yogyakarta State University who were given the authority to issue decisions were the Rector, the Dean, the Director of the Postgraduate Program, the Head of the Institution / Agency, and the Head of the Bureau. While circulars are official documents containing notices of certain important and urgent matters. Instruction is an official document that contains orders or directives regarding the implementation of policies or legislation.

Training on legal and contract drafting is an annually program organized by LKBH UNY in order to improve the knowledge of UNY staffs on legal drafting. According to the Secretary of LKBH UNY Suripno, this training was attended by 60 staff from all faculties and institutions in UNY (Dedy)