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Three students of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics (FE) YSU, namely Tegar Galang Anantha (2014), Zahra Tiara Rusyda (2014), and Cahita Widasari (2014) won the Best Category in the category of Financial Accounting in the National Accounting Student Conference (NASC), (28-29 / 10) at Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta. The team is guided by Patriani Wahyu Dewanti, M.Acc, lecturer of Accounting Study Program FE YSU. In this competition the YSU team took the title "Analysis of the Company Readiness on the LQ45 Index period of August 2015-January 2016 in Applying Integrated Reporting".

This year NASC took the theme of Transformation of the Indonesian Accountants as the State Economy Driving Force in AEC. The theme gave ideas for YSU team to examine the readiness of companies in Indonesia in implementing integrated reporting. Integrated reporting is a new reporting model that is widely applied in many companies in different countries. Integrated reporting is not only to produce a single integrated reporting alone, but its essence is to review and evaluate the company's business activities in order to create sustainable value.

NASC selected participants through several stages of the selection of abstract, full paper selection, and 17 teams will be invited to the University of Sanata Dharma to take on paper presentations and conferences. The first day the entire team was selected to do a presentation paper is divided into three categories according to papers submitted, the Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting and Public Sector, as well as the Audit and Information Systems. On the second day the entire team gathered in a large room to do a conference. The whole teams were encouraged to think critically and mutually respond to the arguments of the team with the other team at the time the case was given to the participants. There are six case studies which invited the entire team to criticize the AEC in depth.

This event brought together accounting students from many institutions in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Batam, Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung and Bali. In this event YSU won the Best Category in the category of Financial Accounting. Best Category in the category Managerial Accounting and Public Sector attained by the Catholic University (Unika) Soegijopranoto. Best Category in the category of Information Systems and Audit was attained by UGM. While the Best Team in sequence attained by Bina Nusantara University, University of Widya Mandala, and the University of Parahyangan. (Rigid / fadhli)