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According to a survey conducted internationally, Indonesian students did not show tremendous achievement. The analysis reveals that between 2009 – 2011, most students attending National Examination were found to have difficulties in doing the tasks which required analytical thinking. Moreover, the result of integrated National Higher Education Entrance Exam (SNMPTN) 2012 denotes that most students faced problems when answering questions in integrated Natural Science subject that demanded high analytical skill. Added to that, the teachers in Indonesia are still miserable, showing lack of teaching competence.

To enhance teacher competence, there have been abundant government programs provided, one of them is advanced teacher professional development. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of implementation is still argued by authorities.
To gain accurate information of the effectiveness of the program needs a special assessment. The result of the assessment is expected to support teachers, government, and other education authorities to determine the right and accurate strategies in guiding and developing teacher professional career.

Wirman Kasmayadi, S.Pd., M.Si., a doctoral candidate, proposed an assessment model for advanced teacher professional development through his dissertation entitled “Model Asesmen Pengembangan Keprofesian Guru Sekolah Menengah Atas”. This work was presented in the open session for Education Research and Evaluation conferment, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University (YSU) (30/4/2016).

With Prof. Kumaidi, Ph.D. and Sumarno, Ph.D as the promoters, the study focuses on high school teachers; however, it is still relevant for other research that concerns assessment for elementary and junior high school teachers. For the government, this study is fruitful in assessing the effectiveness of teacher professional development. It is expected that teachers and headmasters can use this model for self assessment and arranging the following year program.

Dr. Nurzaman, M.Si. the Secretary to the Directorate General of Teachers and Teaching Staff, Ministry of Education and Culture was specially invited as the examiner. Hopefully, the result of this research can be recommended to the related stakeholders and go through implementation stage. This work has brought Dr. Wirman Kasmayadi to gain his doctoral degree in Education Research and Evaluation. He is the 312th doctor in Graduate School, YSU. (Rubiman)