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To enhance partnership for institutional development and to empower human resource in relation to Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Tertiary Education), Yogyakarta State University (YSU) and Pembangunan National University ‘Veteran’ (UPN ‘V’) have agreed to cooperate. The cooperation is initiated in the form of MoU signing between both parties, that is, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., MA as YSU Rector and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sari Bahagiarti K., M.Sc as UPN ‘V’ Rector, in Main Meeting Room, YSU Rectorate Building (20/4). Witnessing the event were vice rectors and structural leaders of respective universities.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sari Bahagiarti K., M.Sc assured that the MoU signing is according to the mandate of Cooperation Agency of Higher Education in Central Java – Yogyakarta Special Province. WIth this MoU, hopefully the partnership programs can be official and legalized. “Previously, UPN ‘V’ has collaborated with YSU in the freshmen selection and sport lecturer training”, she said. She hoped the MoU could be followed up with more implementation in the fields of education, teaching, and community service.

YSU Rector, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., MA in his speech stated that the cooperation between UPN ‘V’ and YSU can be a means of networking and strengthening each other. “In terms of Integrated Teacher Training (PPGT), YSU will collaborate with UPN ‘V’ in mining” he continued. His hope is the partnership can boost the development of both universities. (dedy)