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Yogyakarta State University (YSU) welcomed the leaders of Jogja TV (13/4/2016). This visitation was as an initial step to build partnership with YSU that will be formalized in the form of MoU signing. This was also the follow-up of several joint-programs held by YSU and Jogja TV for some amount of time before.

YSU Rector, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd.,M.A., extended his hope that the MoU between the two institutions will initiate the establishment of Education TV, which would show achievements and innovations made by students and lecturers. If the Education TV is launched, YSU will supply the materials related.

Eka Susanto, Jogja TV spokesman, revealed his appreciation, “We thank you because YSU has put their trust in us to show their programs through Jogja TV. We do give exclusive access to YSU to employ Jogja TV as an institution for students to do field practice, internship, and etc”.

Rachmat Nurcahyo, S.S, M.A, speaking in his capacity as representative of YSU Public Relation, suggested to make some adjustments to bridge the need of the TV station and YSU. As an evaluation, it is also necessary for Jogja TV to show the rating for each program.

The visitation was the first conducted formally by Jogja TV to YSU. Hopefully in the future, the partnership will benefit both parties. (andre)