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Yogyakarta State University (YSU) held their first meeting with Yogyakarta Research Council (YRC) last Thursday (31/3). Attending the agenda were YSU Rector , the senates, and the members of YRC Main Meeting Room, YSU rectorate building. This was the first formal meeting between YSU and YRC.

In his opening speech, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M. Pd., M. A. as YSU Rector, expressed his enthusiasm for this agenda. This meeting focused on the cooperation plan in research conducted by YSU students, lecturers, and professors in collaboration with YRC. The Chief of YRC, Ir. Bayudono, M. Sc., showed YRC readiness in helping, accompanying, as well as directing the YSU researchers in the near future research, since YRC is the home to do research in Yogyakarta.

The meeting included presentations from YRC and discussion, followed with question and answer session. The presentations were delivered by Ir. Darmanto, M. Sc. Dipl. HE and Prof. Dr. dr. Nyoman Kertia SpPD-KR. They explained some research programs in several fields, such as health; agriculture, fishery, and food; and transportation fields. Their main program is Mapak Toyo, a program which aims to increase the citizen awareness who live near river bank to maintain the cleanliness of the rivers to prevent flood in Yoyakarta.

“We welcome all the advice from audience for improvement in the research field in Yogyakarta” Ir. Bayudono, M. Sc. says while opening the discussion session. The participants from YSU delivered their thoughts regarding research ideas and the problems they face. Mr. Nyoman proposed a suggestion regarding Eco-Edu Tourism, a program which combines professional and education fields since education is one of the important foundations.

Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, in last 2013, published the lists of Research and Innovation Indicators for Higher Education. YSU ranks the 15th place in research and innovation field. This achievement encourages YSU to develop both the quality and quantity of their research. This meeting is the initial effort, as YSU expects great improvement in research field in the near future. (narici)