Pentahelix-Based Village Community Empowerment Program

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On February 19, 2025, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Eurasia Foundation (From Asia), the Department of Community Empowerment, Villages, Population, and Civil Registration of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), and the Guwosari Village in Pajangan, Bantul, DIY. The collaboration aims to implement a Pentahelix-based village community empowerment program, focusing on education, teaching, research, and community service. Key attendees included KPH Yudanegara, Ph.D., Head of the DIY Department of Community Empowerment; Masduki Rahmad, S.I.P., Head of Guwosari Village; and Dr. Ali Mukti Tanjung, SH, MM., Rector of Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia.

Dr. Ir. Darmono, MT, IPM, ASEAN Eng, Director of DKSIIU at UNY, emphasized the university's commitment to research and community service, supported by the Eurasia Foundation through the Faculty of Social Sciences, Law, and Politics. The program has secured funding to facilitate community empowerment initiatives, engaging various local and international partners. This collaboration is expected to expand UNY's network and partnerships. During the event, UNY also signed a cooperation agreement with Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. Margana, M. Hum., M.A., Vice-Rector for RKSIIU at UNY, highlighted that the Pentahelix-based village community empowerment serves as a platform for UNY students from diverse faculties and study programs to contribute to Indonesia's social development. This initiative aims to foster social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence among students, aligning with the university's dedication to holistic education and community engagement.

Seno Sudrajat