Dr. Muchlas Develops an Online Learning Model for Digital Technique Practices


The Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University inaugurated a new professor of Technology and Vocational Education Doctorate Program through an open dissertation examination and Doctoral Promotion in the Graduate School Hall, Saturday (5/4). The newly inaugurated doctor, Promovendus Muchlas conducted research on practice learning by using a simulator completed with online practice collaboration facility which can be flexibly used for various simulators, easily implemented, provides desktop and online application program peripherals, provides synchronized as well as unsynchronized text communication facilities, and is integrated with the learning management system (LMS).

The research promoted by Prof. Sarbiran and Herman Dwi Sujono aims at creating an online practice learning model for digital techniques and other supporting instruments as well as finding out the feasibility and learning effect of the developed model, so that it can be used by lecturers of the Electronic Engineering Education study program and other related study programs as an alternative for implementing flexible practices with low cost.

Muchlas also explained that his research was conducted through development stages including introductory study, planning, initial product development, initial examination, main product revision, field examination, final product revision, and product dissemination as well as implementation. “The product validation was done by experts of multimedia learning, digital technique study, e-learning, and instructional design. For achieving the experts’ consensus of the developed hypothetic model, Delphi technique was used for concluding the result based on the experts’ consensus” he added.

Muchlas also explained that his research had resulted in an online learning model for digital technique practices as well as its supporting instruments which could be implemented to support flexible practices with low cost in universities. The learning model was a Virtual Laboratory Portal which could be accessed in http://elab.uad.ac.id, an online practice learning model guide, a digital technique practice/lecture  unit of event, a digital technique teaching book, a breadboard simulator operating guide, an online practice guide for lecturers/instructors/students, and a digital technique practice guide using a guided inquiry method.

This research also proved that the developed products gave positive learning impacts, which resulted in a significant increase of the students’ learning accomplishment level. The products of the research also receive positive perception from subjects related to instructional and product appearance aspects. The result of the examination delivered by the chairperson of the board of examiners determined Dr. Muchlas to become the 172nd doctor of the Graduate School of YSU, and the 48th doctor of the Technology and Vocational Education Doctorate Program with a ‘very satisfying’ result. (sinta)

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