Healthy Corp-Student Entrepreneurship Project at YSU Faculty of Economics

Healthy Corp-Student Entrepreneurship Project at YSU Faculty of Economics

Wednesday, April 4th 2015, the sixth semester students at the Faculty of Economics held a product launching of their Student Company. The SC program is a 2 credit subject that the students should take in the 6th semester. The subject is taught by Endang Mulyani, M.Si,. and Tejo Nurseto, M.Pd. during the initial meetings for the class, the 6th semester students are divided into three groups to make their business plans. In this product launching, the Healthy Corp group launched their fruits and veggie nuggets called Jogja Nufie.
The Healthy Corp Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dibyo Waskito Guntoro works with Nur Latifah Rukmana as the Finance Manager, Himatul Aliyah as Administration Manager, Tea Assiddiq as Production Manager, and two other staff namely Tri Wiyono and Marsilah. The Marketing Manager, Arum Puspa Utami is assisted by Nur Aidha Rachman, Retno Parwati, and Hanna Putri.
During the program, the visitors enjoyed the testers provided by the students. Among the nuggets provided were mushroom, carrot, pumpkin, banana, and soybean curd nuggets.
In this product launching, Healthy Corp also sold their shares to external investors. Each share is valued 10,000 rupiahs.
“The launching was great. We hope that students will further develop their business,”said Tejo Nurseto, M.Pd. (dby)

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