Learning Eco-Fashion at Kangan Institute, Australia

Learning Eco-Fashion at Kangan Institute, Australia

A number of lecturersof the Hospitality and Fashion Department at the faculty of Engineering joined a training in Kangan Institute, Australia (May 25th to June 5th 2015). The head of the department, Noor Fitrihana, M.Eng. said that the program is one of the implementation of the collaboration programs of YSU Faculty of Engineering and Kangan Institute, Australia. “Last year, the Kangan Institut team visited YSU faculty of Engineering to learn the design and production of batik. This time, YSU team learned eco-fashion, screen printing, and knitting technology,”she explained.
The team was assisted by Fabia Pryor, the Coordinator of Textile and Fashion Hub of Kangan Institute. During the two week training, Noor and team learned fashion green production. “It starts from materials, process and finishing as well as the process after the products are no longer used using eco friendly concept so that the waste is minimum,”Noor added her explanation on her experience during the training on sustainable fashion applied by Kangan Institute.
Sustainable fashion or eco-design is an developing trend lately. The aims of the concept is environment protection and social responsibility so that a product is designed and produced by considering the effect to the environment and the social effects.
“Ada sesi dimana kami dimentori oleh seorang desaigner muda asal Australia yang memang aktif pada bidang Sustainable Fashion sehingga sangat menarik melihat berkembangnya bisnis yang berhubungan dengan dunia fashion namun lebih mengedepankan tanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan,” cerita Noor.
“There was a session in which we were mentored by a young designer from Australia who is promoting Sustainable Fashion. It is very interesting to see the fashion business development which prioritise responsibility towards the environment,”Noor explained further.
The team also visited the fashion and textile industries to obeserve the production process and the modernisation in fashion production especially screen printing and knitting. A human leadership training on dealing with people was also joined by the team.

submitted by admin