
It’s common to have waste as problem everywhere. Increasing population will also mean that increasing number of waste. Without proper waste management, environmental pollution will be the common problem. It is worth to note that waste management can be done in small scale such as on household level. Most of household waste are classified into wet organic waste. It is common to find vegetable waste, fruit skin peel, rice and others. Any direct disposal will only cause extra problem. To minimize the problem, it is possible to turn kitchen waste into fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer. To increase the knowledge on making fertilizer from kitchen waste, Team K066 organized info session about “Processing Kitchen Waste as Fertilizer and Organic Liquid Fertilizer”.

This info session was one of the individual program applied by Yeni Wulansari, student of chemistry study program. To run the program, Yeni was supported by Herlinda Sukmaningtyas (Biology), Destri Ananda Prihatini (Communication), Fauzi Ahmad Pamungkas (History) and Aulia Dwi Novitasari (Management). The info session was attended by 15 participants from Sangrahan Hamlet, Magelang.

The info session is not only giving plain explanation about organic fertilizer and how to make it, but also give practical experience on how to make it through demonstration. For liquid organic fertilizer, EM4 bioactivator was needed. The composition among first rice washing water, EM4 bioactivator, and palm sugar solution are set on 50:1:1 ratio.

Ms. Ning, vice chairman of PKK in Sanggrahan Hamlet, said that this activity was very useful, considering that waste is a serious problem in this hamlet. (Yeni Wulansari)

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