Workshop on National Movement for Mental Revolution in Character Education


Academic and Student Affairs initiated the Academic and Student Achievement Development Workshop on Tuesday (28/2) at the UNY Hotel Ballroom. It began with a Technical Explanation of Academic and Student Affairs Programs by the Executive Staff of the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs by describing student activities including Pimnas, KRI, ON MIPA, Gemastik, KKCTBN, Satria Data, KBGI, KMHE, KRTI, LIDM, KBMK, KJI, and OLIVIA. In addition, there are still four talent events that need to be socialized, including NUDC, KDMI, Pilmapres, MTQMN, and one POMNA event. This workshop presented guest speaker Didik Suhardi, Ph.D. as the Deputy for Coordination of Mental Revolution, Promotion of Culture, and Sports Achievement, Kemenko PMK, and also a member of the UNY Board of Trustees for the 2022-2027 period.

Didik said, "The general condition of the Indonesian nation today has challenges and problems related to the current condition of the nation's personality and identity, which include the lack of strong and optimal cultivation of mental revolution values, the lack of work ethic, creativity, the competitiveness of the nation, the gender gap, and the role of youth through the development index is still low." According to Didik, the cycle of human and cultural development includes several phases. The first phase is to ensure adequate nutrition and parenting of infants, toddlers, and toddlers to prevent stunting; the second phase is the early childhood phase; the third phase is compulsory education or the school investment phase through 12-year compulsory education and strengthening character education; the last phase is higher education which targets increasing productivity and competitiveness of Human Resources (HR). This is needed so that Indonesia is ready to face the demographic bonus which is predicted to occur in 2030. The last phase is expected to actualize healthy, independent, active, and dignified elderly.

Knowing how important character education is, Didik conveyed that the concept of education includes knowing goodness, loving goodness, and doing good things so that the goal is to develop habits. While a good learning method is based on research, our retention or memory ability will be low if we only learn verbally, visually, involved, and doing. The solution is to simulate or do real things to maximize the learning experience gained by students. At the end of his presentation, Didik quoted President Soekarno "In daily life, the practice of mental revolution is to be a human being with integrity, willing to work hard, and have a spirit of working collaboratively."

"We are waiting for concrete actions related to stunting reduction and mental revolution, such as through the KKN program, we collaborate with KKN-PK on these strategic issues to be implemented in the KKN program," said Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes. as a moderator who is also the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs when guiding the workshop. The workshop was attended by the Rector; Vice Rector; Vice Deans for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni; Director and Secretary of the Directorate; Head of Sub-Directorate; Head of Faculty Administrative Services, Head and Secretary of KKN-PK-PI-Internship, Head of ICT Center, expert staff and academic staff. (Author: Sudaryono, Editor: Prasetyo, Translator : Annisa)

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