YSU Faculty of Engineering Sent Gradutes of Teacher Profession Training To Scholars Teaching in Outermost, Frontier and Disadvantaged Regions Program 2015

YSU Faculty of Engineering Sent Gradutes of Teacher Profession Training To Scholars Teaching in Outermost, Frontier and Disadvantaged Regions Program 2015

YSU Faculty of Engineering sent 20 productive teachers, alumni of Teacher Profession Training, to teach at Vocational High Schools in several outermost, frontier, and disadvantaged regions in eastern Indonesia, that is Timor Tengah Utara, Timor Tengah Selatan, Sumba Timur, and Kupang Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).
“The teacher profession training for the 20 teachers is a collaboration program between YSU and Kupang State Agriculture Polytechnic, Nusa Tenggara Timur, whereas the teaching program is a collaboration between YSU and Indonesian Directorate of Educators and Education Officers Developmnet of the Directorate General of Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture,” Dr. Bruri Triyono, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering explained.
The teachers will be teaching at the targeted schools for one year. The targeted schools are state schools with lack of productive teachers for subjects such as electrical engineering, electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, civil and planning engineering, mechatronics engineering, information and technology engineering, fashion and hospitality education, and agricultural engineering.
Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., M.A., YSU Rector, said that this teaching program for vocational high schools is a breakthrough for programs held by the Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with teacher education institutes like YSU.
“We hope that this program will be a form of contribution to the nation development, especially in improving the education quality in those regions,” he said.
The teachers participating in this program are expected to be role models for their students and providing quality inputs for students’ learning as well as giving positive impacts for teaching and learning process quality.

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