Analysis of the achievement of 8 national education standards in Basic Education and the achievement of Non-Normal Education Standards in Temanggung Regency


Dr. Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, S.Pd., M.Kes.
Prof. Dr. Mami Hajaroh, M.Pd.
Prof. Dr. Siti Irene Astuti D, M.Si.


Basic education has not fully succeeded in meeting national education standards. There is a tendency that one regional policy will not be the same as another region because each region has a different context in the process of education development. Basic education policy analysis is needed to provide an imperative picture of the praxis of education and provide an accurate solution to the problems of implementation  in basic education. The basic education policy analysis research in Temanggung Regency aims to describe: 1) the achievement of eight National Education Standards in basic education (SD / MI and SMP / MTs) in Temanggung District, and 2) Achievement of the National Education Standards in non-formal education in the pursuit of Package A , B, and C in temanggung district. 3) Policy recommendations  in achieving National Education Standards on basic education and non-formal education. The method uses policy research that focuses on the achievement of eight National Education Standards which include the Standards of Educators and Education Personnel; Education Financing Standards; Management Standards; Facilities and Infrastructure Standards; Content Standards; Graduate competence standard; Assessment Standards; and Educational Process Standards. The study population was all schools in primary education in Temanggung Regency. The sampling technique uses a cluster area technique by dividing the Temanggung Regency area into three clusters namely urban areas, the border area between villages and cities (rural urban fringe), and rural areas (rural). The three areas are represented by eight sub districts: Kledung District; Temanggung District; Pringsurat District; District ofembembarak;  Tretep District; Bansari District; Candiroto District and Kandangan District, and the Organization of Non-Formal Education in Temanggung Regency. Research data is primary data and secondary data. Data were collected by Focus Group Discussion (FGD), in-depth interviews, questionnaires.  Data analysis using the mix-method. The results of the study concluded that 1) in Temanggung Regency: Of the eight National Education Standards, two standards namely Standard Facilities and Praarana, as well as Education and Education Workforce standards still need to be improved. 2) Based on data and FGDs as well as field observations, it can be concluded that the dynamics of PKBM in Temanggung Regency is very interesting to study the problem and effective and creative solutions, so that the existence of PKBM as an alternative educational institution plays a more important role in the development of Indonesian community education. Based on an analysis of educational standards for PKBM in Temanggung District, it can be concluded that the first of eight educational standard achievements in PKBM has not reached optimal results, because there is a very strong tendency that each PKBM in each aspect of standard assessment has not reached 75%, so PKBM administrators are able to design strategic and measurable programs on each education standard in accordance with indicators set by the government. The second conclusion, that the obstacles faced by PKBM in running their social roles are structural and cultural occurs in the process of achieving each educational standard. Structurally still needed secondary data that is well read to be made as a planning database for each PKBM in accordance with the conditions of the community structure. There is also a cultural problem related to the low level of community aspirations in education and low motivation to learn. Structural and cultural solutions are not easy to do, because they require participation and synergy from all elements of society.

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