Institutional strengthening of faculties at UNY through additional assignments for lecturers

Institutional strengthening of faculties at UNY through additional assignments for lecturers


"We would like to thank the lecturers who received additional assignments. Organizationally, there are still many programs, activities and services that we need to do more optimally. The faculty hopes that the recipients of this additional assignment can contribute maximum thoughts and energy. This is an opportunity to contribute non-academically, facilitate more effective coordination and foster student talents," said the Dean of FMIPA UNY, Prof. Dr.

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Commitment is The Keyword for Establishment Holding Company

Commitment is The Keyword for Establishment Holding Company


“To get more funds, we can apply ATM (Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi or Watch, Copy, Modify) approach. We need to watch and listen to the presentation from the speakers as well as possible, copy with a modified suit to the condition of UNY.” Thus conveyed by Rector of UNY Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M. Kes. in order to provide and reinforce at the workshop on establishment of UNY Holding Company at Ballroom UNY Hotel, Monday (20/2).

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