One of the areas that cultivates cassava is Kesugihan sub-district, Cilacap. In this area,…

The development of technology and information changes people's lifestyle. This lifestyle change…

UNY will organized the second virtual graduation ceremony on 29 August, 2020. The Head of the…

The Directorate General of Higher Education announced the Cluster of Indonesian Higher Education…

UNY planned to organize the fourth graduation ceremony of 2019/2020 academic year on 27 June…

At present, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta has 102 study programs, and 72 of them have been…

The Wacana UNY Journal Team (WUNY) proudly hold the Online Workshop on Teacher Professionalism…

The identity of Indonesian art and culture is a very important thing, even a necessity. However…

Drs. Abdul Halim Iskandar, M.Pd as the Village Minister and Chairperson UNY Advisory Council,…

As the implementation of community service during covid-19 pandemic, UNY donate protective gears…

Covid-19 pandemic has made several collaborative programs involving international students to be…

At the age around 5 to 6 years old, children mostly entered group B of Kindergarten. This period…

To improve learning outcome, it is important to work more on the learning media. A good learning…

Indonesia tropical climate is hot enough to cause excessive sweating. Those who has this problem…

UNY accepted 1,552 new students through the SNMPTN 2020 (National University Student Selection)…

UNY’s Student Executive Board of Education Faculty (BEM FIP) organizes online peer counseling…

MONDAY (04/04) | Considering the present pandemic of  Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19),…

UNY provided basic need support mainly in form of food packages for students who remained in the…

Elementary school students need varied learning media to understand lesson better. Salsabila…

Quick healing on wound can be accelerated with compounds having anti-inflammatory properties to…

Be alert, don't panic. Prof. Sutrisna Wibawa as the Rector of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY…

UNY Rugby Team managed to win UNUGIRI Rektor Cup after completing matches which started from 7…

UNY and Directorate General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Law and Human Rights signed…

Skin health is important. The lack of skin health care may cause skin problems such as wounds…

To work as a professional, there are three main things needed. Namely expertise, responsibility…

For a week, UNY's Tax Center in collaboration with the Directorate General of Tax Yogyakarta…

Fun English Club (FEC) is old by this year. This event which has a theme “The Great Explorer” is…

The presence of campus as a magnet development is not a new thing. Prof. Sutrisna Wibawa, Rector…

The involvement of parents in children’s education is known as one of the factors that has an…

Various waste treatment technologies such as incineration and recycle have been developed for a…