The high mortality rate of catfish does not only cause economic losses for catfish farmers. It…

Yogyakarta is rich with culture-based creative industries. It is common for various pottery…

UNY always encourages students to not only excel academically, but also to have the awareness to…

There are still many parents or teachers, especially teachers of Physical Education subjects who…

The 2021 UNY Young  Dalang X Festival which has been taking place from Tuesday, June 8 to…

To boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth, the Government of Madiun City agreed to sign…

Drowsiness is the second highest accident factor after carelessness. This is what inspired UNY…

Elementary-School Teacher Education Study Program and Primary Education Study Program of Faculty…

"Indonesia's development must start from the village and the main focus is on improving the…

UNY celebrate the 57th anniversary by having community service and charity event at Bugel Hamlet…

Based on data, the number of fire cases in Jakarta reached 2,183 cases in 2020 or an average of…

The attempt to manage and reduce waste as part of responsible production are one of the main…

Institutionally, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta is responsible for the implementation of the…

Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes. and  the Vice Rector…

One of the missions of the Cultural, Environmental and Mitigation Center (Pusbudlingmit) LPPM…

The Innovation Center, Business Incubator, and IPR of Institute of Research and Community…

The achievements of the Renaissance-Yogyakarta can only be implemented by creative community…

Merapi eruption in 2010 has caused considerable damage. More than 400.000 people were evacuated…

UNY students won the Gold Medal in the International Competition on Human Necessities at the…

The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) continues to expand and focus…

There are three types of manufacturing processes based on the manufacturing process, namely,…

Artificial Intelligent (AI) will help a machine to follow human intelligence from simple to very…

Machine Learning is the branch discipline of Artificial Intelligence (AI) many of us are still…

The Journal and Educational Science Research Team, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta State…

The Virtual Exhibition "International Education Fair 2021" in Kazakhstan was held on March 25th…

Indonesia is one of the top 20 fruit-producing countries in the world, one of the fruit is guava…

Physics education students consisting of Reno Nurdiyanto, Effendi Malik and Febriani whose team…

The Chemistry Student Association of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY held a…

Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences, UNY held a Visiting Professor Program…

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) held a collaborative…