Vegetable Seller's Daughter Graduates with GPA 3.84

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UNY's graduation last Saturday still left stories, one of which was from a diploma program graduate named Indri Novita Dewi. She completed her studies at the accounting diploma program at the Faculty of Economics with a 3.84 GPA. However, the path she took to achieve this feat was not easy.

Novita graduated from SMK N 1 Pengasih in 2017. "After graduating from SMK, I have strong motivation to continue my education to the university level," she said. But unfortunately, Novita has to accept that she has not been successfully passed the admission test at public universities in Yogyakarta, including UNY. Novita had wanted to apply to a private university, but the unaffordable tuition fees made her cancel her intention.

Novita is the third child of Puji Suesti, a vegetable seller who has been separated from her husband Suparno since Novita was four years old. Her mother's struggle was not easy, but she managed to raise her three children and pay for them to graduate from a vocational school. Her two older siblings decided to work after graduating from vocational school, but her mother wanted at least one of her children to continue to a higher level.

Despite the failure, Novita then worked in a company but finally left. After leaving, Novita then pursued a business that she had pioneered since she was still in vocational school, namely a custom illustration business to gift hampers called GALLERYSILUET. The results of this effort turned out to be more than sufficient to support her living expenses.

Novita tried again to study in 2018, with UNY being the only campus destination. "I didn't expect much because I was terrified of being disappointed if it turned out to be a failure, even though I didn't even tell anyone that I was enrolling in college this year," said Novita. And it turned out that she was accepted into the D3 accounting study program, Faculty of Economics, UNY, through an independent selection. She felt delighted that one of her mother's dreams could finally come true, and this was the beginning of her struggle at UNY.

Novita was finally able to complete her struggle at UNY sweetly. Novita is one of the graduates who have the opportunity to be directly graduated by the Rector of UNY.” I am very grateful and happy to have received invaluable support from my mother and family,” concluded Novita.

Dedy, Tj.Lak