No Poverty

UNY Hosts 'Design Thinking' Seminar for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
international-office Fri, 09/27/2024 - 16:21

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), through its EduBlankOn program under Wirausaha Merdeka, held a seminar themed 'Design Thinking' aimed at transforming students into confident young entrepreneurs. The event, held on September 27, attracted 400 participants from 28 universities interested in entrepreneurship.

Community Empowerment Program in Margoagung Village: Innovation and Digitalization of Bamboo Crafts by the PPK Team of Ormawa Haska JMF FMIPA UNY

Margoagung Village, known as a cultural pioneer village, continues to maintain the tradition of bamboo crafts that have been passed down from generation to generation. However, in this modern era, innovation is needed to ensure its sustainability and increase competitiveness. Responding to these challenges, the PPK Team of Ormawa Haska JMF FMIPA UNY came up with the Bamboo Craft Diversification and Digital Marketing Program to help the craftsmen in this village not only maintain, but also develop their bamboo crafts.

UNY conducts Computer Based Test (CBT) at the campus level for prospective student
international-office Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:38

Prospective UNY students have several choices in the admissions process. There are several schemes available, namely Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK), academic achievement pathway selection, sports achievement selection, and Computer Based Test (CBT) which is held on campus or domicile.

Ega Ayu Wulandari successfully answered the challenges of university life amid financial limitations
international-office Fri, 03/01/2024 - 14:44

Ega Ayu Wulandari brought a smile of happiness to her parents, Sumaryanto and Peni Lestari. Ega successfully graduated from UNY's Indonesian Language and Literature Education study program with a GPA of 3.78.

"My parents' income, which is only enough to fulfill their daily needs, made me hesitate to go to college," said Ega.

"But fortunately, there is a KIP-College scholarship that can help my daughter's tuition fees. I am happy that Ega can finally study at UNY," said Sumaryanto, Ega's father.

UNY's Role in Poverty Alleviation
international-office Wed, 05/24/2023 - 18:21

In poverty alleviation, the first thing to change is the mindset. The growth mindset-based development program is intended for training of trainers while for students there is a growth mindset development program. In accordance with the main task of UNY, the acceleration of human resource development through education, acceleration of research innovation through research and acceleration of community development through community service are developed. This was said by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Cooperation of UNY, Prof.

Developing Productive Economic Activities, Welfare Businesses and Youth Innovation Based on Digital Transformation through Cooperation between UNY and Karang Taruna of The Special Region of Yogyakarta.
international-office Wed, 04/05/2023 - 15:25

Karang Taruna (Youth Organization) of The Special Region of Yogyakarta signed a memorandum of understanding with UNY on Wednesday (5/4) in the Main Conference Room of the Rectorate. The Chairperson of Karang Taruna of The Special Region of Yogyakarta GKR Hayu and UNY Rector Prof. Sumaryanto did the signing.

FOMUNY Goes to School
international-office Fri, 02/24/2023 - 08:39

FOMUNY Goes to School (FGTS) is one of the work programs of the PR & Media division to provide socialization related to KIP Lecture to 12th grade high school / vocational high school students. This activity was carried out considering the lack of information about KIP Lecture for 12th grade students. This activity also aims to make 12th grade students get information about the world of college. FOMUNY Goes to School 2023 has reached 2 schools as the target of the activity, namely SMA Negeri 1 Semin and SMA Negeri 1 Playen, Gunung Kidul.

DWP UNY Conducts Industrial Visit to Jepara
international-office Thu, 02/16/2023 - 23:20

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) UNY on Saturday, February 11, organized an activity "Study of Entrepreneurial Development Based on Jepara Local Culture for the management of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Yogyakarta State University". This activity was attended by all members of DWP UNY and led by the Chairman of DWP UNY, Sulastri Sumaryanto. The DWP UNY activity which this time collaborated with the Academic and Student Affairs section of UNY departed from Yogyakarta at 05.00 WIB with a group of around 40 people.

Monitoring of Education Affirmation Scholarship Receivers
international-office Fri, 02/03/2023 - 15:03

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a monitoring and evaluation for the receivers of higher education affirmation scholarships (ADik) for the 2016-2021 generation in the Main Conference Room of the Rectorate, Friday (3/2). This activity was attended by more than 90 students who received affirmation scholarships spread across 44 study programs at UNY. Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of UNY Prof. Siswantoyo said that a number of strategic steps were taken for the scholarship recipients, including helping them to become excellent students.

KPRI Mapan Sejahtera’s Annual General Meeting Closed the 2022 Book with a Surplus of 750 million
international-office Thu, 02/02/2023 - 13:45

“The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest forum to assess the evaluation and determine the direction of policies conducted by the cooperative management each year, therefore RAT KPRI Mapan Sejahtera 2022 is held as a form of accountability of the management and supervisory board of the cooperative-to-cooperative members as the highest power in the cooperative.