
UNY Alumni Couplepreneur Introduces Eco-Friendly Palm Wax Batik at InnovFest Suzhou 2024 in China
international-office Wed, 12/18/2024 - 11:18

CV. Smart Batik Indonesia, a Yogyakarta-based company founded by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) alumni, was invited to the Innovation Festival (InnovFest) Suzhou 2024. Organized by the National University of Singapore Research Institute (NUSRI) Suzhou and supported by NUS Enterprise, the festival serves as a global platform connecting Chinese tech companies with international innovations. Since 2015, InnovFest has drawn over 4,600 participants from 2,400 organizations and showcased more than 430 innovative technology projects from over ten countries.

UNY WMK Expo 2024: Fostering Entrepreneurial Youth
international-office Tue, 12/10/2024 - 14:50

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), in collaboration with Bank Indonesia and Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, held its third Wirausaha Merdeka (WMK) Expo at Sleman City Hall. The event showcased student products developed during the six-month entrepreneurship program under the Kampus Merdeka initiative by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

Entrepreneurial Training for Students through the Wirausaha Merdeka Program
international-office Mon, 12/02/2024 - 15:02

The Academic and Student Affairs Division of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) held the Demoday Wirausaha Merdeka Batch 3 on October 29–30, 2024, at the Sports and Health Sciences Faculty (FIKK) Sports Hall. The event gathered 400 students in 80 business groups who showcased their entrepreneurial ventures.

Participants underwent preparatory stages, including a Pre-Immersion program focused on basic entrepreneurship training and an Immersion phase involving hands-on business development, ensuring their readiness to promote and market their products.

UNY Hosts 'Design Thinking' Seminar for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
international-office Fri, 09/27/2024 - 16:21

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), through its EduBlankOn program under Wirausaha Merdeka, held a seminar themed 'Design Thinking' aimed at transforming students into confident young entrepreneurs. The event, held on September 27, attracted 400 participants from 28 universities interested in entrepreneurship.

Encouraging startups through Pertamuda 2024 program
international-office Thu, 09/05/2024 - 09:33

The Student Affairs Division of UNY on Wednesday (4/9/2024) in the Main Session Room of the UNY Senate received a visit from PT Pertamina consisting of 3 people, namely Ms. Amelia, Ms. Dorothea, and Mr. Prasetyo. The purpose of the visit from Pertamina this time was to socialize the Pertamuda 2024 program: the largest student Business Idea Competition for startup startups.

Social Innovation Week #1 - an effort to encourage young innovators and collaborators in Yogyakarta to play a role in solving current problems

"UNY is always ready to support youth programs. Through the collaboration between UNY and Karang Taruna (Youth Organization), hopefully, there will be more successful problem-solving both in Yogyakarta and in Indonesia," said Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, S.Pd., M.Kes., AIFO, Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of UNY at the opening of the Pekan Inovasi Sosial #1 (Social Innovation Week) on Monday, September 18, 2023.

Taking the Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges of the World of Work in Era 5.0

"Highly educated workers tend to be engaged in the formal, tertiary sector (trade and services) in urban areas. Notably, highly educated workers in the primary sector, especially agriculture, tend to decline, or in other words, there is de-agriculturalization in the distribution of highly educated workers. The open unemployment rate in the higher education group is urban and female," said Prof. Anwar Sanusi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, at the UNY Public Lecture.

Strengthening young entrepreneurs of UNY through a design thinking workshop

"A quality life is when we have excellent time, health, and finances. And we can only achieve all three if we are entrepreneurs," said Herry Budijanto Dragono, a Founder of Magic Marketing, at the Design Thinking Workshops on August 28, 2023. This activity was attended by 395 students from 42 campuses from 18 provinces.

Prof. Herry Budijanto Dragono stated that the concrete step to becoming an entrepreneur is PRACTICE, which includes Problem-solving, Resilience, Achievement motivation, Control, Teamwork, Initiative, Confidence, and Ethics.

Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit of Kwayuhan youth through Piscok Lumer training
international-office Fri, 07/28/2023 - 13:01

A team of UNY students consisting of Andika Roy Rahmawan, Frida Riyandari, Dina Istiana, Riyan Heriyana, Crisna Dewi, and Dwi Prayitno Dewi held a training on making Piscok Lumer (melted chocolate banana) for youth groups in Kwayuhan, Sleman. This activity is part of applying the Leadership Project course in pre-service teacher professional education.

UNY preserves the traditional culinary through the Nusantara Culinary Festival

"The Festival Kuliner Nusantara UNY aims to preserve the existence of traditional Indonesia cuisine as well as to inform the public about the Diploma of Applied Food Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)," said the Coordinator of Diploma of Food Engineering Study Program of UNY, Prihastuti Ekawatiningsih, M.Pd on Sunday (11/6) at Kulonprogo Cultural Park. One hundred nine students of Food Engineering Diploma were divided into 30 groups presenting various Indonesian traditional food.