Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit of Kwayuhan youth through Piscok Lumer training

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A team of UNY students consisting of Andika Roy Rahmawan, Frida Riyandari, Dina Istiana, Riyan Heriyana, Crisna Dewi, and Dwi Prayitno Dewi held a training on making Piscok Lumer (melted chocolate banana) for youth groups in Kwayuhan, Sleman. This activity is part of applying the Leadership Project course in pre-service teacher professional education.

According to Roy, this activity was carried out to train the skills of all group members to understand better the process of making melted chocolate banana products before the start of entrepreneurship training. "The training aims to introduce entrepreneurship to the community and provide a view of what products are worthy of becoming a business," said Roy Thursday (27/7).

Frida Riyandari explained that the ingredients needed were one banana, four spring roll skins, chocolate paste, cheese, topping, cooking oil, flour, and water. The making process begins with peeling and cutting the banana into four pieces. Each piece is then wrapped with spring roll skin sprinkled with chocolate powder. After the spring roll skin is glued with wet wheat flour, the banana pieces are soaped to be fried until cooked.

Dina Istiana said this product would be better stored in a regular refrigerator. If stored at room temperature, it can last up to 24 hours. According to her, the marketing trial has received a good response. These melted chocolate bananas were offered to several neighborhood traveling vegetable sellers and market snack sellers.

One participant, Annisa, said the product was easy to make with easy-to-find ingredients and not too tricky. Meanwhile, Andri gave input that, if possible, we should hold more training like this and try to make other flavors in the future. "This training adds useful business knowledge, making me quite interested in opening a business because the ingredients are easily available and affordable," said Andri

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak