
Moringa Leaf Tempe Donuts as a Healthy Snack Innovation for Pregnant Women

Theodora Arydita, a student of Boga Technical Education UNY, has successfully processed soybean tempeh into donuts. The uniqueness of Dita's donuts is not only in the tempeh mixture. She also added moringa leaves to her donut recipe to create moringa leaf tempe fried donuts.  Moringa leaf tempe fried donuts are made as a nutritious snack for pregnant women. According to Dita, apart from the protein-rich tempeh, the high iron content in moringa leaves will also be very beneficial for the health of pregnant women.

UNY gets Ambulance Grant from PT. Bank Negara Indonesia(Persero)Tbk

"We hope that this ambulance assistance will be useful, not only for the campus community, but also for the community around the campus and the community in general in Yogyakarta and its surroundings," said the Director of Institutional Banking of  PT. Bank Negara Indonesia(Persero)Tbk (BNI), Munad Herlambang at the Memorandum of Understanding on the Higher Education Financial Ecosystem Program between BNI (Persero) Tbk and UNY, followed by the handover between BNI (Persero) Tbk and UNY on Ambulance Vehicle Grants.

UNY shares the spirit of maintaining health and strengthening social resilience in Kulon Progo

UNY celebrates its 60th anniversary with various activities, one of which is a healthy walk and social service in Kulon Progo on May 5, 2024. "The activities that we hold are part of UNY's commitment and dedication in the framework of the 60th Anniversary of UNY. Let us use this activity as a momentum in exploring and the first step of the golden village program that will be held for the next one year in the Terbah and Serut Pengasih hamlets. Through this program, UNY will prioritize Pengasih Village in various activities such as PKM, research, and institutional collaboration.

UNY provides an opportunity to study scientific traditional medicare

Traditional medicine must be recognized as having a special place in Indonesian culture and tradition. However, learning traditional medicine in a structured and tested manner is not easy. Therefore, UNY through the Faculty of Vocational Studies officially opened the Diploma of Indonesian Traditional Medicine (PTI) program as an answer to the public's interest in learning and preserving Indonesian traditional medicine.

Cooperation between UNY and Kimia Farma - drug test for employees

To prevent drug abuse and self-detection from drug use, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a drug test for lecturers and teaching staff. The drug test was held at the Health and Sport Center Building of UNY's Faculty of Sport Sciences on Thursday (19/10) and is an annual agenda attended by around 200 participants.

Promotion of healthy living through sport facilities and commemoration of National Sports Day 2023 at Gunungkidul campus

UNY actively supports various efforts to cultivate the community both for achievement purposes and to support a healthy lifestyle. Through various sports facilities on the UNY Campus, many general public and professional athletes have exercised and competed. To provide more comprehensive access, the construction of sports facilities is not only centered on the main campus of UNY.

Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn Extract Face Mist to Prevent Acne

UNY students processed herbal plants into a face mist for acne-prone skin that is also useful for moisturizing and brightening facial skin. The face mist is made from belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn) fruit extract mixed with aloe vera and honey. The students are Shofi Alifah Nur Aini of Economics Education, Aprilia Nur Mia Saputri of Accounting, Ilham Alfrizal Akbar of Physics, Faradita of Chemistry and Defid Setiawan of Automotive Engineering Education.

Saga Independent Gymnastics Makes the Elderly More Independent, Healthy, and Fit

Older people experience significant changes physically, psychologically, and socially. These changes certainly affect all aspects of older people's life, including health. Rifky Riyandi Prastyawan tried to develop gymnastic movements that could improve the physical fitness and psychological and social wellbeing of older people in his dissertation research. According to him, these older adults deserve a healthier life if they get the right gymnastic exercise pattern. In addition, if older people remain healthy and fit, they can live independently without depending on others.

Improving the quality of health and psychology of UNY retirees

"The number of UNY retirees is 903 people consisting of 374 lecturers and 529 staff members," said the UNY Retirees Association (IKAPEN) chairman, Dr. Sardiman. With many members, IKAPEN seeks to create work programs that support improving the quality of life of retirees. So far, IKAPEN has carried out workshops and health tests, gymnastics, recreational tours once a year, social services, karawitan exercises, talent search events for older adults, and visits to seniors.

Health Promotion to Improve the Fitness of Elderly Hajj Pilgrims

"The number of Indonesian pilgrims aged 60 years and over reaches 25.31%. For these elderly pilgrims, if the departure is not well prepared, there will be various risks of health problems," said Prof. Dr. Yudik Prasetyo, M.Kes. AIFO, during his inauguration as a professor on May 6, 2023 at the Performance Hall of the Faculty of Language and Cultural Arts UNY.