Healty Food

Healthy biscuit for toddlers made of tempe

Five students of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) have successfully processed tempe into toddler biscuits that are ready for consumption. The five students are Siti Nursipa Wulida (Culinary Education); Nur Evirda Khosyiati (Culinary Education); Rifki Refiyandi (Elementary School Teacher Education); Putri A. Panggabean (Accounting); and Syifaun Nuha A (Management). The toddler biscuits were named Bistbox.

Turning Banana Peel Waste into Healthy Snacks

Sumbersari Village, Purworejo Regency, is one of the banana-producing villages. Currently, some MSMEs specialize in processing bananas into chips. "Unfortunately, the waste in the form of banana peels is usually thrown away. Therefore, we initiated to manage banana peel waste into valuable foodstuffs through the Educreative Entrepreneurship class program," said Aji Aryo Prayoga, head of the UNY student community service team in Sumbersari village on December 15, 2023. The community gained knowledge of the production process, SWOT analysis, and marketing strategies through this class.

Turmeric Brownies as A New Way to Enjoy Family Medicinal Plants

UNY student team continues to promote healthy food products with many benefits. Finda Triarsa, Anas Tri Yanati, Qothifah Nabila, Margaretha Echa Chrisnawati, Ervita Mutia Sari, Sekar Lestari, Kavita Diah Kusuma Astuti, Ananda Elya Riawan, Aldina Sari and Yuli Sulistiyono succeeded in developing and introducing Turmeric Brownies through training on making Turmeric Brownis for the people of Somodaran, Sleman Regency.

UNY Students Introduce the Benefits of Aloe Vera Plants for Health

The aloe vera plant is well-known as a plant that is useful for skin and hair health. However, a team of UNY students from the vocational faculty of UNY succeeded in developing other benefits of aloe vera as a healthy drink and food for the community.

This innovative product originated from community service activities in Domban Village, Sleman. The UNY student team and KWT Ngundi Rahayu Domban succeeded in developing candied drinks and cendol.

Cesupa Cake, a Delectable Breadfruit Cendol Pandan Cake. Made by UNY student.

Breadfruit (a tropical fruit in Indonesia) is commonly consumed in Indonesia and has the potential to be developed into contemporary food products. This is due to the high nutritional value of breadfruit, and will be abundant during the harvest season. However, the community has not been able to cultivate it optimally. During the harvest season, A large amount of breadfruit is damaged and wasted because it is not cultivated or harvested properly. Those can affect the quality of the breadfruit including the fruit is bruised, the flash turns brown, and tastes bitter.

Processing Cassava into Contemporary Sawut Schotel

Cassava is one of the foods that are widely consumed by Indonesian. Almost all parts of cassava can be utilized, cassava leaves can be processed into vegetables, cassava tubers are also widely consumed and have great potential for raw materials for flour processing because they contain a lot of starch. Apart from the utilization of cassava for flour processing, there are still many other benefits in the form of cassava, mocaf flour, and processed cassava into snacks.

Healthy Snacking with Mocaf Pie

Cassava production in Indonesia is relatively abundant. Based on the FAO Statistical Database, Indonesia was the fifth world's biggest cassava producer in 2020, with a total output of 18.3 million tons. Five provinces in Indonesia that produce the most cassava are Lampung, Central Java, East Java, West Java, and Yogyakarta. The abundance of cassava production is why Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) supports the development of cassava-based processed foods to strengthen food security. This point has motivated Rifqi Alauddin, a UNY Culinary Diploma student, to make Mocaf Pie.


Many people are trying to have an ideal weight through exercise and diet. Unfortunately, this effort is not always easy because it is challenging to avoid snacking. For this reason, UNY has developed a healthy snack, namely UNYBar. "Available in milk, chocolate, banana, strawberry, vanilla, and grape flavors," said Prof. Siswantoyo. This product is one of the works of the Center of excellence for science and technology and innovation.