Zero Hunger

Tee Bites, Tempe-Based Food Innovation

Josef Richardo Rupa Nunang, a 2021 UNY student, created Tee Bites, a sweet tempe-based snack that has gained popularity. The name "Tee Bites" combines "Tee" for tempe and "Bites" to suggest a snack enjoyed in one or two bites.

Initially passionate about pastries and cookies, Josef aimed to create cookie pops targeted at children. After considering various options, he settled on Tee Bites, a checkerboard cookie with a unique tempe flavor. The product quickly became a hit among children.

Kebwul: A Fusion of Thiwul and Kebab with Indonesian Flavors

Amanda Prahastiwi, a 2021 D4 Culinary Arts student at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), has introduced an innovative culinary creation called Kebwul, short for kebab thiwul. This dish combines traditional Indonesian flavors with a modern twist by using instant thiwul flour for the kebab wrap, filled with Padang-style grilled chicken and cassava with green chili sambal. The innovation aims to offer a more nutritious and distinctly Indonesian version of the widely popular kebab.

Tempe Crackers: A Simple Innovation Offering Multi-Purpose Opportunities

Tempe Crackers has evolved into a source of pride for Ika Dewi Puspita Sari, a Culinary Arts student at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). This innovative snack stands out as a healthy alternative to conventional snacks, utilizing tempe flour—a "superfood" known for its high nutritional and protein content—rather than wheat flour. The result is a product that is not only delicious but also nutritious, free from preservatives, and safe for daily consumption.

RoboSemp: Assisting Horticulture Farmers in Muntilan with Robotic Solutions

Researchers from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), funded by the 2024 Indonesian Technology Dissemination Program (PDTI), have introduced the RoboSemp (spray robot) versions 2 and 3. These innovations aim to improve the efficiency of spraying horticultural crops, particularly chili plants. The technology was implemented at the Mugi Mulyo Farmers Group in Sedayu Village, Muntilan, Magelang Regency, Central Java, benefiting 428 farmers across 80 hectares of farmland.

Healthy biscuit for toddlers made of tempe

Five students of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) have successfully processed tempe into toddler biscuits that are ready for consumption. The five students are Siti Nursipa Wulida (Culinary Education); Nur Evirda Khosyiati (Culinary Education); Rifki Refiyandi (Elementary School Teacher Education); Putri A. Panggabean (Accounting); and Syifaun Nuha A (Management). The toddler biscuits were named Bistbox.

Moringa Leaf Tempe Donuts as a Healthy Snack Innovation for Pregnant Women

Theodora Arydita, a student of Boga Technical Education UNY, has successfully processed soybean tempeh into donuts. The uniqueness of Dita's donuts is not only in the tempeh mixture. She also added moringa leaves to her donut recipe to create moringa leaf tempe fried donuts.  Moringa leaf tempe fried donuts are made as a nutritious snack for pregnant women. According to Dita, apart from the protein-rich tempeh, the high iron content in moringa leaves will also be very beneficial for the health of pregnant women.

A new variant of Tempe Sausage Hotdogs

"Hotdog is a long bun that is filled with sausage in the middle, then given vegetables or toppings according to taste. The tempeh sausage hotdog consists of hotdog bun/bread, tempeh sausage, lettuce, tomato, chili sauce, and mayonnaise sauce. I tried to localize this food into Tempe Sausage Hotdog," said Skolastika Damara Pradnyaparamitha, a student of Boga Technical Education UNY.

Combining the concept of hydroponic farming with Internet of Things (IoT) technology
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The UNY student team consisting of Guntur Andreansyah, Aziz Putra Setyawan, Adellyazahra Ayu L, Ainun Khairunisa and Lathifa Khalisa Abid under the guidance of Mathematics Education Department lecturer, Husna 'Arifah, M.Sc won first place in the "Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Innovation Competition (LIKMI) #3". The competition, which took place on March 2, 2024, became a vehicle for 483 teams from 140 universities to present innovative ideas about entrepreneurship.

Turning Banana Peel Waste into Healthy Snacks

Sumbersari Village, Purworejo Regency, is one of the banana-producing villages. Currently, some MSMEs specialize in processing bananas into chips. "Unfortunately, the waste in the form of banana peels is usually thrown away. Therefore, we initiated to manage banana peel waste into valuable foodstuffs through the Educreative Entrepreneurship class program," said Aji Aryo Prayoga, head of the UNY student community service team in Sumbersari village on December 15, 2023. The community gained knowledge of the production process, SWOT analysis, and marketing strategies through this class.

Turmeric Brownies as A New Way to Enjoy Family Medicinal Plants

UNY student team continues to promote healthy food products with many benefits. Finda Triarsa, Anas Tri Yanati, Qothifah Nabila, Margaretha Echa Chrisnawati, Ervita Mutia Sari, Sekar Lestari, Kavita Diah Kusuma Astuti, Ananda Elya Riawan, Aldina Sari and Yuli Sulistiyono succeeded in developing and introducing Turmeric Brownies through training on making Turmeric Brownis for the people of Somodaran, Sleman Regency.