FOMUNY Goes to School

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FOMUNY Goes to School (FGTS) is one of the work programs of the PR & Media division to provide socialization related to KIP Lecture to 12th grade high school / vocational high school students. This activity was carried out considering the lack of information about KIP Lecture for 12th grade students. This activity also aims to make 12th grade students get information about the world of college. FOMUNY Goes to School 2023 has reached 2 schools as the target of the activity, namely SMA Negeri 1 Semin and SMA Negeri 1 Playen, Gunung Kidul.

SMA Negeri 1 Semin became the first collaborator of this year's FGTS activity. The FOMUNY Goes to School event was attended by 168 students who have the plan to continue their education to college level, 4 committee members from FOMUNY management, and 2 counseling teachers. Meanwhile, the activity at SMA Negeri 1 Playen was attended by the around 73 students who have the plan to continue their education to college level, 6 committee members from FOMUNY board, and 1 counseling teacher.

At SMA Negeri 1 Semin, the event was opened by counseling teacher Tuti Suryani. According to one of the FOMUNY members, Ilham Rasyid, the material presented by the speakers was related to the definition of KIP tuition, the requirements for KIP tuition recipients, the flow of KIP tuition registration, and the documents that need to be prepared. "The material presentation session was divided into two sessions due to the large number of students and limited space allocation" said Ilham. The first session was attended by science students and the second session was attended by social studies students. The material presentation session was conducive because the participants paid full attention to the explanation given by the resource person. After the material presentation session was finished, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers with the time allocation for the question and answer session for 15 minutes. In both the first and second sessions, the participants were quite active. It can be seen from the emergence of 22 questions from both sessions. The committee then selected the 6 most interesting questions to be given door prizes.

Officially opened by the BK teacher of SMAN 1 Playen, Novi, the material presentation was delivered by the committee who came from the representatives of FOMUNY management. The material presented by the speakers was related to the understanding of KIP Lecture, the requirements for KIP Lecture recipients, and the flow of KIP Lecture registration. The material presentation session was run conducively because the participants paid close attention to the explanation delivered by the resource person. After the material presentation session was completed, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the resource person with the time allocation for the question and answer session for 30 minutes. In this session the participants were quite active as seen from the number of questionnaires more than 5 people. Then the committee chose the 3 most interesting questions to be given door prizes.

As a whole, both the implementation of FGTS in SMA N 1 Semin and SMA N 1 Playen went smoothly up to the stage of forming a Whatsapp group as a form of follow-up to the event. FGTS activities in both schools ran in accordance with the rundown that had been made and in accordance with the target, namely the implementation of an interactive question and answer session. The Whatsapp group is expected to accommodate students who need continued information about KIP College and can provide updated information from the FGTS committee such as the SNBP registration schedule and so on.

Overall, both the implementation of FGTS at SMA N 1 Semin and SMA N 1 Playen went smoothly until the Whatsapp group was formed as a follow-up of the event. FGTS activities in both schools ran in accordance with the rundown that had been made and in accordance with the target, which was the implementation of an interactive question and answer session. The Whatsapp group is expected to accommodate students who need continued information about KIP College and can provide updated information from the FGTS committee such as the SNBP registration schedule and so on.
