Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees


The Head Of Board of Trustees

Prof. Suyanto, Ph.D.

The Secretary Of Board of Trustees

Prof. Dr. Suranto, M.Pd., M.Si.


Members of Board of Trustees (2022-2027)

Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X
Rector of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Head of  Academic Senate of University
Didik Suhardi, Ph.D. (community representative)
KGPAA Paku Alam X (community representative)
Dr. (HC) Darsono (community representative)
Prof. Suyanto, Ph.D. (alumni representative)
Prof. Dr. Achmad Dardiri, M.Hum. (professor representative)
Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sayuti (professor  representative)
Prof. Dr. Suranto, M.Pd., M.Si. (professor representative)
Prof. Dr. Endang Rini Sukamti, M.S. (professor representative)
Sudarmaji, M.Pd. (lecturer representative)
Anang Priyanto, S.H., M.Hum. (lecturer representative)
Abdullah Taman, S.E., M.Si.,Ak. (lecturer representative)
Sukirjo, M.Pd. (staff representative)
Ryan Maulia Muhammad (student representative)

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