Based on data from the Directorate General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home…
The Accountability Performance System for Government Agencies (SAKIP) is one of the means to…
Teaching Campus is one of the programs of the Emancipation Learning program. Through this…
"For me, being able to get the opportunity to study in Germany is something that I never…
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) symbolically sends off students who will participate in…
The Indonesian Embassy in Beijing appointed Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta to host 2022…
UNY's Early Childhood Education Laboratory held a holiday program for early childhood children…
"Sufficient communication skills will provide an opportunity to effectively brand UNY, so…
"This health check-up activity is in line with the theme of the 12th anniversary of the…
Cassava production in Indonesia is relatively abundant. Based on the FAO Statistical Database,…
Based on the Rector Decree as of July 1, 2022, the educational structural positions in…
Applying the ecoprint technique to fabrics can produce a pattern of distinctive shapes and…
Indonesia is ranked in the top 3 as the largest fish-producing country in the world, after China…
"Thank you for the trust from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of…
Ahmad Rizal Rifani won first place in the diploma category for outstanding students for the 58th…
Having good reproductive health is a fundamental right of every person. Therefore, various…
Agus Siswanto and Mimin Jeminten were happy to see their daughter, Hesti Wulandari, graduate…
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) successfully has six teams to compete in the 2022 National…
UNY accepted 2,334 new students through the joint selection to enter state higher education (…
The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences succeeded in…
"I am proud and grateful for the opportunity to synergize with the Asmat Regency government and…
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a graduation ceremony for the June period, carried out online…
"UNTIRTA as a young university must study at UNY as one of the more senior universities. In…
The Executive General Manager (EGM) of PT Pos Indonesia Yogyakarta Main Branch held an audience…
Malin Kundang is a folk tale from Sumatra, while the story of Bandung Bondowoso and Roro…
Following the 2020-2025 UNY strategic plan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) strives to…
“Farmers” is a metaphorical word to describe academics, practitioners, or observers of…
In karawitan, lancaran is one type of gendhing, as are the kinds of ladrang, ketawang and so on…
Public information disclosure is a form of institutional transparency that provides…
Journal accreditation is a means to assess a scientific journal's quality objectively. This…