UNY Welcomes Changes in Early 2023

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) welcomes the beginning of 2023 with a change in organizational structure as part of the change in status of UNY to become a State University with a Legal Entity. On Monday, January 2, 2023, 51 officials attended the inauguration ceremony and oath of office. The Rector of UNY appointed 4 Vice-Rectors, 8 Faculty Deans, 1 Graduate School Director, 24 Faculty Deputy Deans, 2 Graduate School Vice-Directors, 6 Directorate Directors, and 6 Directorate Secretaries. In this activity, the Rector also handed over Rector's Decrees to 121 Study Program Coordinators, 107 Lecturers and Education Staff, and 14 Transfer Decrees.

"2022 is UNY's last year to compete as a state university with the status of a public service agency. We have closed 2022 with the acquisition of various achievements in the IKU League as second place, 13 award medals from the Diktiristek Award, SNI Award, and KIP Award. This is a manifestation of UNY's readiness for the next level, to follow in the footsteps of 16 other state universities that have preceded it," said the Rector of UNY, Prof. Sumaryanto.

"Starting today, there are no names for Vice Rectors 1, 2, 3, or 4. We are starting to call them according to the new name and the Vice-Dean. Officially, we also have Vocational Faculties located in Wates and Gunungkidul. Thank you Thank you for the hard work of ladies and gentlemen and all parties, so that in 2022 we will close with various achievements that we are very proud of," said the Chancellor of UNY.

Poni Pujiati, Tj. Lak