Thought of Tino Sidin in Learning the Art of Children Painting


Dr. Drs. Martono, M.Pd.
Desiana Muryasari
Karen Hardini
Vivi Kurnia Kumalasari


The research with the title "Tino Sidin's thoughts in children's painting learning" aims to describe Tino Sidin's thoughts about drawing and painting as well as the learning strategies used to motivate children, the painting media used, and painting techniques. The research method used by qualitative phenomenology to capture and describe Tino Sidin's thoughts in learning children's painting was excavated from friends, students, Tino Sidin's daughters, artifacts, and library sources. Interview, observation and documentation methods, advanced human research instruments, observation, and documentation.  Data validity by triasnggulation of sources and persistence of observations. Descriptive data analysis includes data reduction, data retrieval, and leveraging.
The results of the research were found regarding Tino Sidin's thoughts about learning strategies for children's painting. The use of painting learning methods to motivate children to use the story method and to offer examples of objects or objects that are developed into drawing objects such as straight lines, curved lines, numbers, and letters. The painting media used were pencils, markers and crayons. The painting technique used to sketch with a pencil or marker is spontaneously not repeated or erased and then colored using crayons. Tino Sidin's strategy in motivating children to be fearless or brave in making decisions is by using the word "Good" for each assessment and commenting on the children's work. The word "Good" which is pronounced by Tino Sidin has the power to arouse children's courage in expressing their ideas. The results of the research on the learning strategy of drawing and painting in the style of Tino Sidin will be developed into printed textbooks and flipbook programs that can be accessed by readers with computers and androids. This book can be used as teaching material for educators in teaching drawing and painting for children both in appreciation and creation in formal and non-formal education.

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