The presence of UNY’s Digital Library helps students, especially those in the final year, in…
UNY held Festival UNY Njathil as part of 55th UNY anniversary celebration on Thursday, 2 May…
Indonesia is blessed with abundant local food resources. However, the lack of reference in…
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held Disaster Preparedness Day commemoration as part of commitment…
UNY Institute of Research and Community Service(IRCS) held pre-social community service on…
UNY aims to boost further international collaboration. One of the efforts is by opening more…
Kontes Robot Indonesia (KRI) or Indonesia Robot Contest is a robot competition for all…
Indonesia has many natural material to offer for textile use. Unfortunately, the use of plant as…
Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era is characterized by uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. To deal…
Garuda UNY Team met the rector to confirm the next participation in the Shell Eco Marathon Asia…
Faculty of Engineering UNY held and industrial practice briefing for students from 7 departments…
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 The Rector of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) officially sent off…
In supporting the need of affordable or even free place to learn for local communities, semi…
Fadilah Fajar Bagaskara or known as Bagas, an Accounting student of Universitas Negeri…
The Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) received students…
The uncontrolled flow of imported fashion is inevitably a threat for local designers, especially…
The Garuda UNY Racing Team (GURT) participated in the Yogyakarta Millennial Road Safety Festival…
An outstanding performance showed by the UNY karate team in Southeast Asian Championship Sebelas…
Team from engineering faculty of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta become a runner-up for national…
A student from Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Setiarti Dwi Rahayu, is…
The hard work of the athletes, trainers and coaches of the Student Activity Unit, Karate of UNY…
Students team of UNY led by Arif Hidayat (Communication Science) along with the members; Restu…
Faculty of Engineering has initiated the establishment of the UNY Professional Certification…
The graduation of UNY’s Doctoral, Masters, Bachelor and Diploma for February period was…
Engineering Faculty of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta keep their effort in improving their…
FIS Basketball is the name of a basketball community in Faculty of Social Sciences UNY. The…
We still feel the hustle and bustle of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which accompanied the…
Indonesia consists of islands that have very high risk for various type of disasters. Natural…
Technological development does not necessarily change the nature of society to be individualist…
World Class University (WCU) in terms of QS World University Ranking includes research quality,…