UNY has sent tennis and badminton team to participate in the International Sport Viesta…

UNY new students from independent Selection Scheme invited to English tutorial at UNY Auditorium…

Zahra Noor A’yuna, Diqna (Biology Education), Ratna Hardiyanti Ma’fudhoh (Biology) and Rina…

There are three activities that must be completed by UNY new students, namely soft skill…


Walitelon Utara village officially open “Kampoeng Dolanan Walitelon Utara” (Walitelon…

Innovation is a must for education in this dynamic and competitive era. To improve this point,…

There are 3 kind of research schemes namely basic research, applied research and development…

Krokot or purslane plants (Portulaca oleracea L) are plants that grow wild. It grow well even on…

Understanding contract drafting is very important for the management of higher education…

UNY Students who is participated in community service program at Dungkasi Hamlet, Gunungkidul…

To improve children awareness on healthy environment, UNY students from K008 team organized an…

The lack of public awareness of the danger of disposing cooking oil waste directly to the ground…

Information technology has boost the progress of distance education through the implementation…

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held “Lecturer Assignment to School Program” (Penugasan Dosen di…

UNY students who participating in community service program in Mlaran Village held farming…

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY won an award at the Anugerah Bapeten 2019 held…

It’s time to change mindset to be successful in digital era. Teacher must be able to use various…

The development of science and technology demands the quality of a university to continue to…

The production of coconut oil produces a by-product called blondo that is not used by producers…

Health footwear in form of reflexology sandals is quite common to find in Indonesia. It is also…

Three UNY students consisted of Tara Belinda (Communication Studies), Arif Hidayat (…

Endah Istiqomah (Elementary School Teacher Education), Hindun Nur Aisyah (PG-PAUD), and Nur…

Each academic year will have  the Introduction of Campus Life for New Students Program or PKKMB…

The Double Degree Program for the master's degree between Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)…

Indonesia has rich medicinal plants.  Unfortunately, the lack of information or research has…

Bullying cannot be underestimated. If it is not prevented, this can threaten mental health which…

As a country surrounded by three main plates of the world, namely Eurasia, Indoaustralia and the…

Professional Teacher Program or PPG is a strategic government program that aimed to improve the…

Monica Anselia Shinta Sulistyo from Mathematics Edducation Study Program has participated in…

Students of UNY Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty have developed a tool to boost the crop…