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Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) organized Work Meeting on 24 to 25 January 2020 at @K Hotel Kaliurang. The meeting was attended by the Chairperson and Institutional Secretary, Chair and Central Secretary, Journal Editor, Structural and all LPPM UNY Education Personnel. In accordance with UNY's Rector Regulation Number 17 Year 2019 on the Work Procedures of Research and Community Service Institutions, LPPM UNY has the task of carrying out coordination, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of research and community service activities. Based on the organizational structure, LPPM UNY consists of the Chairperson, Secretary, Administrative, Central and Functional Group.

In this Working Meeting, Chairperson of LPPM UNY Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Sc. provide direction on"LPPM UNY Policy", LPPM UNY Programs and activities listed in the UNY Integrated Activity and Budgeting Plan (RKPT) in 2020 is a derivative of tertiary policies in the context of UNY's acceleration towards World Class University (WCU). The performance of LPPM UNY contributed to the performance of tertiary institutions around 40% including research performance, community service performance, Innovation performance such as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), publications, collaboration. The target publication is 300 Scopus indexed journals.

Suyanta pointed out, in response to increasing demands on LPPM performance, the structuring of LPPM UNY's institutions as stated in the UNY Rector's Regulation Number 17 of 2019 concerning the Work Procedures of Research and Community Service Institutions and UNY's Chancellor's Decree Number: B / 1053 / UN34 / KP. 08.01 / 2019 concerning the Appointment of Chairperson and Secretary of the Center for Research and Community Service. Changing the terminology of the Study Center into a Center is expected to accelerate the performance achievement of 18 Study Centers to 6 Centers including: [1] Center for Culture, Environment, and Mitigation, [2] Center for Creativity, Literacy, and Lifelong Learning, [3] Center for Innovation, Business Incubator, and Intellectual Property Rights, [4] Center for Pancasila and Character Education, [5] Center for Development and Testing Services and Real Job Lectures, and [6] Center for Publication and Periodical Scientific, Publication Center is expected to improve the quality of existing journals in UNY, while the existing Study Center will become a Study Group in the Center.

"Therefore, LPPM made a systematic change in the work in implementing the CTR, so that it was simple and maximal, including changes in the international cooperation research scheme and the Research Group", he said.

Secretary of LPPM UNY Prof. Dr. Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, M.Sc. provide briefing on "Technical Work Programming", the target of this Work Meeting is the compilation of the LPPM Management work plan and Center programs in the form of activity matrices in the next 1 year.

Siti Irene explained, the budget listed in the CTR could be an initial fund (sharing) of a collaborative activity with partners, so that it was like a fishing fund in carrying out activities of the Centers.

"With this working meeting, it is expected that LPPM's performance in 2020 will increase within the frame of the realization of a competitive and leading LPPM in research and community service based on science and technology and community empowerment in the context of improving life and humanity to support UNY to become a world-class Educational University based on piety, autonomy, and intellectuality", Siti Irene said. (hty / ags; Tj.Lak)