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Learning problems on Pancasila and Civic Education for teacher ideally put cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspect. Unfortunately, current learning process has been viewed as uninteresting and unenjoyable. This condition naturally cause the lack of motivation for students. For students, learning Pancasila and Civic Education is not as challenging as other subjects because of its monotonous and boring approach as well as not a national examination material. Most people also believed that Pancasila and Civic Education is an easy subject where teacher will only have to explain things a lot. To improve learning quality, it is important to arrange learning strategy that will increase the motivation to learn that suit with generation Z need. This message was stated by MAN Teacher 3 Bantul Nurokhmah in the takshow of the PPKn learning media innovation at the UNY Auditorium, Thursday (9/1). Furthermore, the winner of the National Champion Constitution Award for High School/MA/ Vocational School in 2018 said that the low motivation for learning Pancasila and Civic Education was due to the use of lecture methods. This method made student passively learning, unresponsive to the learning material and ignoring the content and vision.  . "This has an impact on the belief that Pancasila and Civic Education is less useful and not important to them," Nurokhmah said. Therefore, Nurokhmah suggested the need for a change in the traditional paradigm to be focused on students by actively seeking information so that education provides more stimulus so that students become active learners. The teacher can utilize the supporting media of teaching learning process in digital and non-digital form, as well as various learning methods that inspire students. In the end of her presentation, Nurokhmah said that today's teachers must be creative by utilizing the maximum media and environment, open to change, caring and sociable and technology literate. Do not forget the focus of learning must shift not only cognitive / knowledge, but on affective and civic disposition.

The activity was opened by UNY’s Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Anik Ghufron. According to him the theme of the talkshow was interesting because learning had to be fun because if it was boring it would certainly not attract student enthusiasm. "Especially in the context of the industrial revolution era 4.0 by utilizing information technology" said Anik Ghufron. The head of the event committee Rianda Usmi said that the learning media exhibition and the Pancasila and Civic Education learning media innovation show was a collaboration among the bachelor and master of Pancasila and Civic Education and bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education study program. The event was attended by 170 participants by displaying 72 works. "This activity is to answer the challenges of the industrial revolution era 4.0 by utilizing information communication technology with the key to innovation," said Rianda. The event took the theme of learning media innovation by realizing joyful learning in Pancasila and Civic Education learning and inviting elementary, middle and high school teachers in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas.

Another speaker in this talkshow was the Head of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen, Agung Rahmanto, who in his paper explained that the media is an important component of the communication process. "Learning media in the content of Pancasila and Civic Education in elementary schools should not only touch on aspects of knowledge, but also attitudes and behaviors," he said. Learning media can also be used to develop moral knowing, moral feeling and moral action from the character of students. While the Professor Emiritus of Pancasila and Civic Education Learning Technology, Abdul Gafur explained that the role of the current era of media is as a teaching aid, self-instruction or a combination of both. (Dedy; Tj.Lak)