Supporting healthy food sources through innovation of plant-based pesticides

Supporting healthy food sources through innovation of plant-based pesticides


Pesticide is a general term to describe all types of pest poisons. The word pesticide comes from the phrase pest and cide / cida, which means pest killer. In several studies, conventional chemical-based pesticides are often associated with farmers' health problems and water pollution. To minimize this risk, farmers can use plant-based pesticides as an alternative to traditional pesticides. Plant-based pesticides have active ingredients from plants and other organic materials that are efficacious in controlling pests and plant diseases.

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Sustainable Freshwater Fish Farming with Oculo

Sustainable Freshwater Fish Farming with Oculo


Indonesia is ranked in the top 3 as the largest fish-producing country in the world, after China and India. However, the Balitbang of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries explained that per capita fish consumption in Indonesia has only reached 25.77 kg. This figure is relatively low when compared to other countries, where one of the causes of the low consumption of fish is the price which is still relatively high. This high price is due to the lack of efficient technology and methods of freshwater fish farming currently used.

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