Transformation and Actualization of Civic Education in the Era of Society 5.0


The Department of Civic Education of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) celebrated its 60th anniversary by holding a seminar titled "Transformation and Actualization of Civics Education in the Era of Society 5.0". Through this theme, the Department of Civic Education of UNY sees the need for the readiness of the world of education in facing the era of society 5.0. Through this seminar, lecturers, students, and alums can examine the important role of civic education in responding to the increasingly complex challenges of social and national life. One hundred fifty lecturers, students, and alums participated in this activity online.

"I appreciate and simultaneously am proud of the progress made by the UNY Civic Education Department. Especially now that we have opened a doctoral program in Civic Education," said the Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni of UNY Faculty of Social, law and Political Sciences, Dr. Supardi, S.Pd., M.Pd. Hopefully, opening the Civic Education doctoral program at UNY will provide further study opportunities at the doctoral level for the community.

The seminar organized by the Department of Civic Education provides an opportunity to examine current challenges scientifically and a vehicle for alum gathering. This activity is expected to strengthen solidarity, actualize the role of UNY alums, and encourage collaboration between lecturers, students, and alums. (Author: Nurlatifa, Editor: Dedy, Tj.Lak)

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