Fortan Eco-enzyme as a formula for plant nutrition and fertility

Fortan Eco-enzyme as a formula for plant nutrition and fertility


Ayu Larasati, Muhammad Akhdaan Al Ghozi, Nabila Nur Qoriyah, Faiz Miftahul Khoiri, Ahnaf Nabil Rusnarasyid, and Heilel Heielma Putri succeeded in creating a product called Fortan Eco-Enzyme. Fortan Eco-Enzyme is a plant formula that has a function to nourish and fertilize plants. This product is made from organic fruit peel waste mixed with brown sugar and fermented for 3 months, so it contains enzymes that are good for plants.

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Developing Wooden-based Educational Mechanical Toy

Developing Wooden-based Educational Mechanical Toy


Mechanical toys that are driven manually or by electric motors are now widely produced. The existence of plastic toys is mostly mass-produced by large-scale factories. The public response to these educational mechanical toys (science toys) is very high, this is evidenced by the exhibitions that have been demonstrated in museums and entertainment venues in Indonesia, to introduce the public to the phenomena of physics, mechanics, optics, electricity, magnetism and chemistry.

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Improving traffic literacy for junior high school students with Minepolis Game

Improving traffic literacy for junior high school students with Minepolis Game


"Indonesia is one of the countries with a high rate of traffic accidents, especially in the teenage age group. Along with the increasingly complex world of traffic and the development of technology, understanding, and skills in traffic become increasingly important to have. However, the learning process of traffic literacy is often considered uninteresting for students. Therefore, innovation is needed in learning methods that can make the learning process more interesting and effective," said Ardi Setyawardana.

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Combining the concept of hydroponic farming with Internet of Things (IoT) technology

Combining the concept of hydroponic farming with Internet of Things (IoT) technology


The UNY student team consisting of Guntur Andreansyah, Aziz Putra Setyawan, Adellyazahra Ayu L, Ainun Khairunisa and Lathifa Khalisa Abid under the guidance of Mathematics Education Department lecturer, Husna 'Arifah, M.Sc won first place in the "Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Innovation Competition (LIKMI) #3". The competition, which took place on March 2, 2024, became a vehicle for 483 teams from 140 universities to present innovative ideas about entrepreneurship.

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Turning Banana Peel Waste into Healthy Snacks

Turning Banana Peel Waste into Healthy Snacks


Sumbersari Village, Purworejo Regency, is one of the banana-producing villages. Currently, some MSMEs specialize in processing bananas into chips. "Unfortunately, the waste in the form of banana peels is usually thrown away. Therefore, we initiated to manage banana peel waste into valuable foodstuffs through the Educreative Entrepreneurship class program," said Aji Aryo Prayoga, head of the UNY student community service team in Sumbersari village on December 15, 2023. The community gained knowledge of the production process, SWOT analysis, and marketing strategies through this class.

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Turmeric Brownies as A New Way to Enjoy Family Medicinal Plants

Turmeric Brownies as A New Way to Enjoy Family Medicinal Plants


UNY student team continues to promote healthy food products with many benefits. Finda Triarsa, Anas Tri Yanati, Qothifah Nabila, Margaretha Echa Chrisnawati, Ervita Mutia Sari, Sekar Lestari, Kavita Diah Kusuma Astuti, Ananda Elya Riawan, Aldina Sari and Yuli Sulistiyono succeeded in developing and introducing Turmeric Brownies through training on making Turmeric Brownis for the people of Somodaran, Sleman Regency.

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UNY Students Introduce the Benefits of Aloe Vera Plants for Health

UNY Students Introduce the Benefits of Aloe Vera Plants for Health


The aloe vera plant is well-known as a plant that is useful for skin and hair health. However, a team of UNY students from the vocational faculty of UNY succeeded in developing other benefits of aloe vera as a healthy drink and food for the community.

This innovative product originated from community service activities in Domban Village, Sleman. The UNY student team and KWT Ngundi Rahayu Domban succeeded in developing candied drinks and cendol.

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Preventing Early-Age Marriage with Funarri Application

Preventing Early-Age Marriage with Funarri Application


The UNY student team consisting of Farah Nabila Nur Afifah (Educational Technology), Anggi Anggreini (Educational Technology), Dinda Rahmawati (Guidance and Counseling) and Nandini Rohmi (Mathematics Education) have successfully developed Fun Augmented Reality Early-Age Merried based on Augmented Reality (Funarri).

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Keeping your heart healthy with watermelon rind jam

Keeping your heart healthy with watermelon rind jam


"So far, we only eat watermelon partially, while its rind is thrown away as waste. The white layer of watermelon rind has fresh greenish-white flesh that tastes fresh, contains water vitamins, and has many benefits for various diseases," said Ahmad Widi Nugroho on Friday (8/9).

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Supporting sustainable grouper farming with NetFarms

Supporting sustainable grouper farming with NetFarms


Grouper fish farming has good prospects. But until now, farmers still face problems related to fish theft and high fish mortality rates due to inappropriate water conditions. These two problems prompted a team of UNY students to develop a Long Range (LoRa)--based floating net cage monitoring system with grouper theft detection features.

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