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"Leadership was spacious, to solve complex problems, leaders need to be able to cross boundaries: between sectors, specializations, geographies, generations, backgrounds and beliefs” . The statement was delivered by Prof. Azzali in a public lecture entitled "The Importance of Leadership to Deal With ASEAN Community", as one of the Staff Apprenticeship Programme activities for the High Achievers, which are employees of Yogyakarta State University (YSU) in 2015 at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). The program took place January 12 – April 21, 2016.

The Staff Apprenticeship Programme is one of the implementations of the vision and mission of YSU to reach Word Class University, with the aim of increasing the knowledge and understanding of working atmosphere of Universiti Putra Malaysia. Participants of this program were namely Siti Amironah, Hendro Kuncoro, Jumanto, and Ristina Rahmawati). Implementation of the Staff Apprenticeship Programme was in together with the Malaysia-Indonesia program of Cross Cultural Leadership Exchange 2016 in the UMP.

Before the implementation of the Programme , employees got 5 days of training, including Orientation, Material Presentation, The preparation of international flights, Introduction of the UPM and Malaysia, Cross Culture Understanding, Competence Development, English for Socializing, and Building Self Confidence.

The Staff Apprenticeship Programme is very useful for employees to further open up the insight, experience and study, and improve the management of a university professionally. "We thank you to the chiefs of YSU which have given confidence and the chance to us to follow this program," said Siti Amironah, the Overachiever from Faculty of Education. She also thanked to UPM party and Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail Universiti Putra Malaysia that had facilitated the implementation of the program during in Malaysia and those who helped in the implementation of this Staff Apprenticeship Programme. (Wulan/Siti Amironah)