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“It has been a long process for Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) or Islamic Student Organization to join neutral movement along with student movement contaminated by politic matters. That is why Lafran Pane was inspired to found such an Islamic student organization. It aims to protect Republic of Indonesia, to boost community dignity and to spread Islamic insight to students” as stated by Dr. Ir. Akbar Tandjung, the former of House of Representative Chief in the National Seminar entitled “Prof. Drs. H. Lafran Pane in Indonesian History” held in YSU Main Meeting Room, Wednesday (11/11/2015). “He [Lafran Pane] had a huge commitment of nationality,” he said. It was proven by the founding of HMI in the middle of lack-spiritual-spirit-student-organization.

Akbar Tandjung added that Lafran Pane brought HMI to be an independent organization which is not affiliated with either national, communis or socialist ideology. “He plays a pivotal role in Indonesian history and provides numerous Indonesian leaders,” he added. Akbar Tandjung said that almost 70% of university students have joined the organization.

The national seminar was held by HMI Alumni Family (Kahmi) to propose Prof. Drs. H. Lafran Pane as a national hero. Rector of YSU, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd, M.A. said that Indonesia should remember its history. Therefore, Lafran Pane should be recorded in the history.

“The successors have a big moral responsibility to continue his struggle,” Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., M.A. said. General Secretary of Kahmi, Ir. Subandrio said that the national seminar is the decision of National Meeting of Kahmi which proposes Prof. Drs. H. Lafren Pane as a national hero. The national seminar will be held in 18 cities until the end of 2015. In Yogyakarta, the seminar was opened by Untung Suparyadi, the Head of Social Department of Yogyakarta as the representation of the Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Prof. Dochak Latief in his presentation stated that Lafran Pane has a good personality, integrity and eager to secure Islamic personality of Indonesian people. “HMI is a big goal,” he added. “It needs a long time with numerous spectacles.”
He added that Lafran Pane is a consistent, an independent, and humble person. In line with him, Prof. Dr. Sjafri Sairin stated that Lafran Pane is a creative minority who was willing to struggle for student movement.

“Independence day era had been dominated by aristocratic people,” said Prof. Dr. Sjafri Sairin. “Lafran Pane did a hard work to bring Islam as the host,” he added. (Dedy)