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Teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic requires teachers to adapt to online learning systems and use effective media. The impact of the online learning system that has been running so far certainly affects the psychological condition of students on learning so that alternative strategies for delivering learning materials are needed that are more interesting and meaningful. This problem has caught the attention of UNY lecturers, namely Dr. Dyah Purwaningsih, M.Sc. (Chemistry Education Study Program), Dr. Pujianto, M.Pd. (Physics Education study program) and Anik Widiastuti M.Pd. (Social Studies Education Study Program) develops learning tools based on Technological and Content Knowledge (TPACK). There 65 teachers  in Yogyakarta who participate in this program.

TPACK consists of three pillars of knowledge, including science in teaching (pedagogical), learning materials/subjects (content knowledge), and technology (technology) that teachers in teaching must master. These three domains must be mastered by the teacher so that the learning delivered in class becomes meaningful.

"TPACK-based learning can be a solution for teachers in teaching material to make it more interesting and attractive to students," said Pujianto. However, according to him, mastery of TPACK is very closely related to content. Therefore the measurement of TPACK must focus on one particular content, for example, mathematics, science, social studies, language, or others. In addition, the device transformation used in applying the TPACK approach must first be adjusted to its function.

"In addition to getting material from resource persons, teachers are also given assignments to create training sets that can be implemented in their respective classes," said Dyah. Training and mentoring activities are implemented regularly through various methods such as lecture webinars, information discussions, workshops, and limited dissemination. During the preparation of the device, the participants received online guidance through Whatsapp groups, emails, or direct discussions with companions.

The science teacher at MTsN 4 Gunungkidul Giyarti Suprihatin, S.Pd., hopes that this activity can continue and in the future receive similar training and mentoring activities that can improve teacher competence. As training participants, the teachers were happy because they got new scientific experience and information regarding education and teaching development, especially during the current pandemic.

"Teachers must be able to adapt to various situations and conditions in carrying out learning activities," said the Head of LPPM UNY Prof. Dr. Samsul Hadi. The TPACK-based training organized by the community service team is expected to provide provisions for teachers to improve their pedagogical competence in the pandemic era. Teachers can actively participate in activities from training development through mentoring and direct application. In addition, teachers can follow up through scientific experience in developing TPACK-based online learning tools that are obtained by implementing them in their respective schools, both in online learning activities, blended learning, and offline. 

Dedy, Tj.Lak