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Shell Eco-marathon (SEM) Asia, an energy-efficient car competition take place in Singapore, March 7-11, 2018 has been done. Drivers’ World Championship (DWC) Asia regional event, a race competition for the winner of the concept in SEM 2018, were held as a closing. Three Indonesia teams from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS), and Yogyakarta State University succed in becoming Asia’s representatives in after winning the big three in this competition.

For UNY car team, this year is their second year in participating in this event and their first time to join international DWC. Garuda UNY’s team manager, Ilham Yoga, expressed his excitement. “Of course, we are very grateful for this blessing. We become the first team that pass the inspection test and we get the ticket to London. We are very happy and grateful”

Along with the team manager, UNY rector, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd, expressed that he is very grateful and proud of Garuda UNY’s effort. “The most important thing is being sportive and work hard. The result will follow our efforts and prayers.”

This year, Garuda UNY car team has succed in winning 3 positions, such as becoming the First Winner in Safety Awards, Third Winner in Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Urban Category, and Third Winner in Drivers’ World Championship (DWC) Asia Regional. Therefore, Garuda UNY Team will going ahead to London along with the UGM and ITS. For those achievements, no wonder that they got many praises.

“This team is very solid and active on asking question. The team members and the instructors have a strong relationship like a family. They can be a winner on the first year. That’s why I was amazed by this team. Keep up with the solidarity, i believe that you can achieve more.” Rini said as the Shell’s representative (organizer)

Thomas, a safety award judge, also expressed his respect of Garuda team. “Last year, it is done very well. But now, it is perfect. I am satisfied.”

Then, those Indonesian teams will continue their efforts to face the bigger challenges and the more strict rules in DWC event. Drivers’ World Championship (DWC) is a race competition of energy-efficient cars on the Shell Eco Marathon. This competition aimed at inspiring students to continue working and making innovations to answer technology challenge and future energy resources. Beside that, this international prestigious event also calling for an expert driver that is able to finish the lap with fastest time record and most fuel saving. Safety also becomes the most important thing in this competition, both safety of car sending to the venue and safety of the driver on the venue. Thus, safety becomes an essential point that must be mastered by the participants. Later on, the participants have chance to get trial only twice and they have to achieve the most efficient energy min 95% from all the regional score. Those three Asia’s representatives will compete with Europe and America’s regional representatives in the Grand Final of GWC in London next July. Hope that Indonesian’s teams will succeed and become a winner in the world champion. (enj)