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UNY planned to organize the fourth graduation ceremony of 2019/2020 academic year on 27 June 2020. Unfortunately, covid-19 pandemic is on the rise and any attempt to hold any physical graduation ceremony will only add the health risk for those participated in the event.  For that reason, UNY has organized online graduation ceremony on 15 August 2020.

“We decided to organize online graduation ceremony to ensure health safety for everyone. We has set 9 host for zoom meeting in 7 faculties, graduate school and rectorate,” The Head of the Bureau of Academic, Student and Cooperation, Drs. Setyo Budi Takarina, M.Pd. explained.

The ceremony officially had 810 graduates. There are 8 graduates from doctoral programs, 112 graduates from the master program, 609 graduates from bachelor program and 81 graduates from diploma program. From Developing Country Partnership Program (KNB), there are 4 master program graduates namely Ndayisenga Japhet, M.Or. (Sports Science Study Program) from Burundi; Xiao Qin, M . Hum. (Applied Linguistics Study Program) from China; Edmond Ndayambaje, M.Psi.( Psychology Study Program) from Rwanda; and Ma Yi, M.Pd.( Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program) from China.

“Our graduation ceremony today is so special. This month, we celebrate our independence day and in the next two days, we will celebrate 75 years of Indonesia independent day. Let us keep our independence spirit into our present challenge in dealing covid-19 pandemic. The theme of commemorating our country's independence this year is "Advanced Indonesia", this theme is a symbol of Indonesia which is able to strengthen its sovereignty, unity and integrity, " UNY Rector,  Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd.,  said in his remarks.

“Excellent human resources will clearly support Indonesia's progress. This means that human resource development is the key to the success of Indonesia in the future. Indonesian human resources must excel in all fields so that they can compete globally. We are aware that the progress of the industry in Indonesia is not sufficient only with infrastructure, but must be supported by improving the quality of human resources. Therefore, graduates must continue to strive to improve competence in their fields to become superior and competitive resources," Sutrisna said

"Today, officially, all of you have new titles pinned on your names. However, no matter how many titles you have now, don't forget to thank the people who have supported you in achieving that title," Sutrisna said in closing his speech (Sud; Tj.Lak).