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Drug abuse and addiction have become disturbing problem in Yogyakarta. To deal with such problem, UNY students initiated the Drug-Free Healthy Family program as an effort to create a drug-resistant Yogyakarta by cooperating with the PKK partner at Karangmalang Depok Sleman. They are Azwan (Public Administration study program), Andi Kurnia (Mathematics Education study program), Isyraq Khoirunnisa (Civic and Law Education study program), Aulia Nishful Laila (Non-Formal Education study program), M. Farhan Aziz (Electrical Engineering Education study program) and Auliyah Lisyuffah Riuddani (Early Childhood Education study program).

According to Azwan, this program is called Kesbar (Keluarga Sehat Bebas Narkoba or Drug-Free Healthy Family). "This program originated from the concern based on the latest news update on Depok area as the 1st place for drug-prone areas,”he said. Previous attempt to reduce drug abuse has been considered in a stagnant state. Through the discussion between UNY students and PKK partner, it is decided to develop the Drug-Free Healthy Family program as an effort to prevent further drug abuse and addiction at the level of family member at Karangmalang.

Isyraq Khoirunnisa added that all programs are carried out fully online by utilizing various applications that can connect the interaction of PKK groups and teams as well as PKK partner targets. "With the Kesbar program, which we carry out fully online, it provides new contributions to community service methods, namely online-based training and mentoring," said Isyraq.

Aulia Nishful Laila explained that this program can be carried out on family based level. Some of activities conducted within the program are digital anti-drug mural activity, anti-drug slogans based on Javanese characters, e-dream diaries and Festival Resik Narkoba (Drug-Free Festival/FEKNAR). Each activities basically will help the family to build better family bonding, improving communication skill and understanding on the importance of drug-free life style.

FEKNAR as the closing activity for the program has been conducted on 26 September 2020. The festival officially set with the declaration of Karangmalang as drug-free area and the launching of drug abuse prevention officer. Representative of Police of  Bulaksumur Sector, Iptu Budi Yuwono hopes that this program can be applied in larger scale. “I do really hope that this program will boost further awareness on the importance of drug-free life style, especially for the youth,” Budi said(Dedy, Tj.Lak)