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UNY welcomes new students in the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students Program (PKKMB). This activity takes place from August 24 to 27, 2021. Participants who take part in this activity are 10,643 new students. Based on the degree, UNY has 1,625 new students Diploma; 7,516 new bachelor students; 1,227 new master students and 275 new doctoral students. The program was held online through besmart.uny.ac.id.

The Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., welcomed the new students of UNY. "I invite all academics to uphold the honor of the alma mater by increasing and developing your potential according to the identity and dignity of UNY as a campus that is leading, creative, innovative, pious, independent, and intellectual," Sumaryanto said.

The Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A., started his speech conveying congratulations on entering a new life as a student to new students throughout Indonesia.
“Being a student means that you have wider freedom to determine the future direction. Therefore, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia gives the right to all students throughout Indonesia, to study outside their study program, or outside their campus for three semesters, "said Nadiem.

“Indonesian students can use this time to participate in independent campus programs, including internships in companies or world social organizations, or conduct independent studies in developing villages, conducting research, working on humanitarian projects, designing and pioneering entrepreneurship, conducting student exchanges in at home and abroad, or teaching in elementary or junior high schools through campus teaching programs, based on the interests and interests of students to gain experiences that are not written in textbooks or taught in lectures. That experience will be your means to achieve your dreams in the future.” Nadiem said.

In this 4-day activity, UNY new students get a variety of learning materials. Commissioner General of Police. Dr. Boy Rafli Amar, M.H. from the National Counterterrorism Agency will deliver material on "The Dangers of Terrorism". Meanwhile, Brigadier General Jubel Levianto as Director of State Defense will provide material on "Defending the State". Meanwhile, Yosi Mokalu gave material on Social Media Ethics. In addition, the new students of UNY also received an explanation about the work program of the UNY Vice Rector.
